There is only The West. Everything else is evil and must be destroyed.


The Anglo-American establishment. By that I mean the cultures of all nations aligned with USA, UK, and their consensus. Also known as the West. It has died many times and resurrected or born again eventually. The West is universal and eternal. It is good for everyone, every living thing, the environment, and some say even entropy. The values of the West are self-evident and obvious. Who doesn’t want liberty and equality? If you are against the West obviously you must be against liberty and equality. The only way you can oppose the humanism of the West is if you are not human. How can you be opposed to something that is by definition good? The West are the good guys, everyone else is evil.

The West is inclusive. The West asks itself: How dare you destroy other cultures by westernising or appropriating it? The West asks this while provoking war with evil and tyrannical alternate systems of human prosperity and well being. Down with such alternate systems. Down with China! Down with Russia! Down with Turkey! Down with anything that gave human beings happiness without being the West. It is impossible! It is impossible to find another means to human well being. The Western Way is the Only Way. The West tells us “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”.

We are the West. You will be assimilated. Because We Are Cool, Democratic and shit. Resistance is Futile. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. By assimilating other races into our collective, we are bringing them closer to perfection. Hail Atlantic Consensus.




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