tabs ↹ over ␣ ␣ ␣ spaces

by Jiří {x2} Činčura

.NET DeveloperDays 2020

31 Aug 2020 2 mins Presentations & Speaking

I’m so looking forward to this year’s .NET Developer Days. I think it’s my favorite conference of the year. The current state of the world is not best for conferences, but I hope the #netdd is going to happen at least as planned now. And although the conference is now also online, if the situation permits, I’ll try to be there in-person.

Update: The conference will be online only, hence all the in-person stuff does not apply. But, not only the sessions will be online, also the workshops(!).

This year I’ll be doing special pre-con Mastering Entity Framework Core.

In this hands-on workshop we’ll refresh some basics and then dive deep into all the mappings and variations you can do to either make the model, your classes, look the way you want or to match as nicely as possible existing database structure.

Pre-con banner

And also, post-con Async/Await Understanding and Effective Usage.

This deep-dive hands-on workshop will explain the core concepts, you’ll understand why is something done the way it’s done and finally we’ll apply it to real world problems and understand the most common mistakes people make.

Post-con banner

Both are hands-on workshops, where I’ll supercharge your knowledge about the topic. If you’re interested click here and register. The seats are limited.

Besides the pre-con and post-con I’ll do also two sessions during main conferenceEF Core 5.0 – what’s new and C# Source Generators – let the machine do the programming. I’ll be happy to see you there (in-person or online).

A leap around new features and ideas in Entity Framework Core 5.0.

Source Generators are one of longest requested features in C# language. What is a source generator? What I can use it for? Also what I can’t use it for? Answers to these and more in this session.

Last but not least, I’ll have some tabs over spaces buffs with me 🙌, so first come (or reserve) first served!

Slides – Entity Framework Core 5.0

Demos – Entity Framework Core 5.0

Slides – C# Source Generators

Demos – C# Source Generators

Profile Picture Jiří Činčura is .NET, C# and Firebird expert. He focuses on data and business layers, language constructs, parallelism, databases and performance. For almost two decades he contributes to open-source, i.e. FirebirdClient. He works as a senior software engineer for Microsoft. Frequent speaker and blogger at