Perl Weekly Challenge 75: nested loops

One way to let me improve my knowledge about Raku (aka Perl 6) is to implement programs in it. Unluckily, I don’t have any production code to implement in Raku yet (sob!). So, why not try solving the Perl Weekly Challenge tasks?

In the following, the assigned tasks for Challenge 75.

PWC 75 - Task 1

You have an infinite set of finite coins, and you need to find out all the available sets that can provide a specific sum. My first attempt at this task was to permutate the list of available coins, but that resulted in a long computation. Therefore, I decided to implement it via a set of nested loops.
First of all, let’s see the MAIN entry point:

sub MAIN( Int $S where { $S > 0 },
          *@C where { @C.grep( * ~~ Int ).elems == @C.elems } ) {
    say "Coins are { @C } that must give sum $S";

    my @solutions;

    @solutions = find-solutions( coins => @C, sum => $S );

    @solutions.join( "\n" ).say;


All the boring stuff is done by the find-solutions method, that is described below.

sub find-solutions( Int :$sum, :@coins ) {
    my @solutions;

    # add all the 'one coin' solutions
    @solutions.push: [ $_ xx ( $sum / $_ ) ] for @coins.grep( $sum %% * );

    # now inspect all the other cases
    for @coins.grep(  $sum !%% * ).sort( { $^b <=> $^a } ) -> $current-coin {
        next if $current-coin > $sum;
        my @current-solution;
        @current-solution.push: $current-coin;

        for @coins.grep( * !~~ $current-coin ).sort( { $^b <=> $^a } ) {
            my $current-sum = [+] @current-solution;
            # try to add the same number over and over again
            while ( ( $current-sum + $_ ) <= $sum ) {
                @current-solution.push: $_ ;
                $current-sum = [+] @current-solution;

            if ( $current-sum == $sum  ) {
                # use a new array to clone it, so I can delete the last value and continue over
                @solutions.push: @current-solution.sort;
                @current-solution[ *-1 ]:delete;


    # last step: decompose every number in a solution into other numbers
    my @decomposed-solutions;
    for @solutions -> @current-solution {
        for 0 ..^ @current-solution.elems -> $switching-index {

            my $current-coin = @current-solution[ $switching-index ];
            next if $current-coin ~~ 1;

            for @coins.grep( $current-coin %% * ) {
                next if $_ ~~ $current-coin;
                my @new-solution = @current-solution;
                @new-solution[ $switching-index ]:delete;
                @new-solution[ $switching-index ] = | ( $_ xx ( $current-coin / $_ ) );
                @decomposed-solutions.push: [ @new-solution.sort ];

    # now build something unique
    my %unique-solutions;
    for @decomposed-solutions {
        %unique-solutions{ "{ $_ }" } = $_;

    for @solutions {
        %unique-solutions{ "{ $_ }" } = $_;


The first step is to add all the possibile easy solutions: all the repetitions of coins that provide the exact sum required, and this is done using the list repetition xx and the remainder %% one.
Then I search for all the coins that have not been used so far, and sorting from the greatest to the smallest, I try to compose a set of sums with the all remaining coins. The sum is performed as follows:
  • add the same coin over and over until the sum is done;
  • add another smallest coin when it is not possible to sum the same coin because there is an overflow. This makes the @solutions array made by pretty much unique sequences of sums.
    Last step is decomposition: every solution can be rebuilt as a sub-sum of smallest coins, therefore I iterate on every solution and try to substitute every number with its smaller coin sum equivalent.
    In the end, I use an hash to get out duplicated solutions, and return all the values to the caller.

PWC 75 - Task 2

The second task was about finding out the biggest rectangle that is laying in an histogram. First of all, I declared a couple of classes for representing a rectangle and an histogram:

class Histogram {
    has Int $.column;
    has Int $.height;

    method Str() { "Histogram $!height Column $!column"; }

class Rectangle {
    has Int $.height;
    has Int $.base;

    method area() { $!height * $!base }
    method Str()  { "Rectangle with base $!base and height $!height ($!base x $!height)" }

The first step the MAIN has to do is to build the array of historgrams. Then I need to loop over the histograms and try to get the biggest rectangle for every height. The trick part here is that if the next historgram has a lower height than the rectangle is done, otherwise I continue to increment it.

sub MAIN( *@A
          where { @A.grep( * ~~ Int ).elems == @A.elems  && @A.grep( *.Int >= 1 ) } ) {
    say "Numbers are { @A }";

    my Histogram @histograms;
    my $column = 1;
    for @A {
        @histograms.push: column => $column, height => $_.Int;

    my Rectangle @rectangles;
    my ( $current-height, $current-width ) = Nil, Nil;

    for 0 ..^ @histograms.elems -> $current-index {
        ( $current-height, $current-width ) = @histograms[ $current-index ].height, 0;

        # go backwards to the first histogram that has a good height
        my $starting-index = $current-index;
        while ( $starting-index > 0 &&  @histograms[ $starting-index ].height >= $current-height ) {

        for $starting-index ..^ @histograms.elems {
            next if $_ < $current-index && @histograms[ $_ ].height < $current-height;
            if @histograms[ $_ ].height < $current-height {
            else {

        @rectangles.push: height => $current-height,
                                         base => $current-width );

    # get the first one with the biggest area
    @rectangles.sort( { $^b.area <=> $^a.area } ).first.put;


Last, I sort the rectangles depending on their area and pick the first one (reversed order), so that I can print the biggest one.

Bonus track

The bonus track was to graph the histograms. I did a little more and also emphasized the biggest rectangle. To achieve this, I added a Range named $!columns in the Rectangle, so that I can keep track of which columns the rectangle occupies (they need to be contiguos).
Then I designed a graph function that accepts an optional Rectangle and displays the stringified version of every histogram, from the highest to the shortest one, selecting a simble to display the rectangle if present.

sub graph( Histogram :@histograms, Rectangle :$rectangle? ) {
    my @lines;
    my $max-height = max { .height } );

    while ( $max-height > 0 ) {
        my @line;
        @line.push: $max-height ~ '| ';

        for @histograms {
            my $column = .column;
            my $height = .height;
            my $to-print = $rectangle
            && $column ~~ $rectangle.columns
            && $rectangle.height >= $max-height
            ?? ' X' !! ' #';
            @line.push: .height >= $max-height ?? $to-print !! '  ';

        @lines.push: @line.join;

    @lines.push: '---' x @histograms.elems;
    @lines.push: '    ' ~ { .column } ).join( ' ' );

and the construction loop for the Rectangle has changed to the following one:

for $starting-index ..^ @histograms.elems {
    next if $_ < $current-index && @histograms[ $_ ].height < $current-height;
    if @histograms[ $_ ].height < $current-height {
    else {
        $start-column = min $_ + 1 , $start-column;
        $end-column   = max $_ + 1, $end-column;

@rectangles.push: height => $current-height,
                                 base => $current-width,
                                 columns => $start-column .. $end-column  );

The end result is something like:

% raku ch-2.p6 3 2 3 5 7 5
Numbers are 3 2 3 5 7 5
Rectangle with base 3 and height 5 (3 x 5) 4 5 6
Following is the graph of the histogram
7|          #  
6|          #  
5|        X X X
4|        X X X
3|  #   # X X X
2|  # # # X X X
1|  # # # X X X
    1 2 3 4 5 6

The part marked with X is the biggest rectangle found.

The article Perl Weekly Challenge 75: nested loops has been posted by Luca Ferrari on August 24, 2020