Security tasks: Migrate from the mysql_native_password authentication plugin

If you are still running the old MySQL authentication plugin commonly called the “mysql_native_password” authentication plugin in MySQL 5.7 and older, then you need to migrate to something better.

The mysql_native_password plugin (used in MariaDB as well) is based on SHA1. This hash function simply isn’t good enough anymore unless minimum password length is much longer than the current default of 8 characters.

Why this paranoia you ask? Rainbow tables and the technology driving cheaper and bigger disk storage and machine learning/deep learning driving GPU performance.

Rainbow tables are used once you realize storing pre-computed hashes of all plain text passwords for all combinations quickly consumes a lot of disk space.

Task 6: Use a stronger authentication plugin than the mysql_native_password.

Check SQL: 

select plugin,count(*) from mysql.user group by plugin

The Fix:

Until next time.

2 thoughts on “Security tasks: Migrate from the mysql_native_password authentication plugin

  1. Pingback: Security: Use roles to manage user privileges | DBA Dojo

  2. Pingback: Security: Use roles to manage user privileges | DBA Dojo

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