Perl Weekly Challenge 64: matrixes and linked lists

One way to let me improve my knowledge about Raku (aka Perl 6) is to implement programs in it. Unluckily, I don’t have any production code to implement in Raku yet (sob!). So, why not try solving the Perl Weekly Challenge tasks?

In the following, the assigned tasks for Challenge 64.


We are experiencing another increase in the number of hospitalized people.
I’m pretty optimistic about the possible solution, but it is still a strange context to live into.


The vet said she has recovered a lot, and probably we need to wait another three months for see her jumping.
We really hope, let’s say it is strange to have her inside house all the day during summer.


This is a realy mind-brain.
The last check emphasized that the pressure is still very high, so we decided to increase again the medications and to proceed with a laser therapy that, quite frankly, I don’t thinkg will produce any result.
It is almost sure I’m going to be hospitalized, the matter now is when.

PWC 68 - Task 1

The first task was about zeroing columns and rows of a matrix where a zero already exists: if a row or column has a zero, then zero all elements in the same row and column.
Instead of working with a matrix, I assumed the matrix would come from the command line as a flat array. This makes a little harder to compute the offset for each element in rows and columns. Anyway, instead of doing a brute-force loop over all the cells, I decided to grep the array for zeros and keep asde the indexes. Those indexes are absolute (the matrix is a one dimension array) and need to be converted into $row and $column, then it is quite simple to zero the row and column in the array.

sub MAIN( Int $m, Int $n, *@incoming-matrix  ) {
    my @matrix = @incoming-matrix;
    "Original matrix was ".say;
    print-matrix( @incoming-matrix, $m, $n );
    my @zeros = @matrix.grep( * == 0, :k );

    for @zeros -> $zero-at {
        my ( $row, $column ) = ( $zero-at - 1 / $m ).Int, ( $zero-at % $n ).Int;
        @matrix[ $_ + $row ] = 0  for 0 ..^ $m;  # zero the rows
        @matrix[ $column + ( $_ * $m ) ] = 0  for 0 ..^ $n; # zero the columns

    "Transformed matrix is".say;
    print-matrix( @matrix, $m, $n );


The utility function print-matrix is as simple as follows:
sub print-matrix( @matrix, $m, $n ){
    say "----" ~  "--" x $m;
    for 0 ..^ $m -> $row {
        print "| ";
        for 0 ..^ $n -> $column {
            print "@matrix[ ( $row * $m ) + $column ] ";
        say " |";
    say "----" ~  "--" x $m;

Invoking this program produces a result similar to the following one:

% raku ch-1.p6 3 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 
Original matrix was 
| 1 0 1  |
| 1 1 1  |
| 1 0 1  |
Transformed matrix is
| 0 0 0  |
| 1 0 1  |
| 0 0 0  |

PWC 68 - Task 2

Task two required to re-order a linked list by popping the last element and placing after the first one, the second-to-last to be placed as the third one and so on. First of all, I declared a very dummy Node class:

class Node {
      has Str $.value is rw;
      has Node $.next is rw;

Nothing fancy or complex, just to work with the list. The list has been initialized with a loop as follows:

sub MAIN() {
    # build the list
    my Node $root = :value( "L0" ) );
    my Node $current-node = $root;
    for 0 ^..^ 10 {
        $ = :value( "L$_" ) );
        $current-node = $;

Now that I have a list to work with, let’s convert into a flat array following the current links:

    # convert into an array
    my @nodes;
    $current-node = $root;
    while ( $current-node ) {
        @nodes.push: $current-node;
        $current-node = $;

Now it is possible to build a clone array where the elements are shifted by their position depending on an index that is tied to the length of the array itself:

    # sort into another array
    my @new-nodes;
    for 0 ..^ @nodes.elems / 2 {
        "switching elements $_ and { @nodes.elems - $_ - 1 }".say;
        @new-nodes.push: @nodes[ $_ ];
        @new-nodes.push: @nodes[ @nodes.elems - $_ -1 ];


In the end, @new-nodes will have the desired order of the nodes. It is now turn to adjust the nodes with the new links following the array:

    # now adjust linked references
    for 0 ..^ @new-nodes.elems - 1 {
        @new-nodes[ $_ ].next = @new-nodes[ $_ + 1 ];

    @new-nodes[ @new-nodes.elems - 1 ].next = Nil;

And all the nodes have now the correct link to the switched elements.

The article Perl Weekly Challenge 68: matrixes and linked lists has been posted by Luca Ferrari on July 6, 2020