Eclipse and go-to-line

Today, while I was developing as often within the Eclipse IDE, I noted a strange thing at the bootom, in the status bar:

The row and column indicator has something strange to me: instead of showing two values (one for the current row and one for the current column), it has three values!
In the previous example, it has 265 : 1 : 6847.
The meaning is as follows:
  • the first number is the row number;
  • the second number is the column number;
  • the third number is the number of bytes of the file.

Therefore, 265 is the current row, 1 is the current column and 6847 is the number of characters of the file.
I think the information could be displayed a little better, for example making the file size (in characters) less intrusive, since it is not very interesting, at least to me, while developing or writing code.


I discovered also another thing: if you click on that portion of the status bar the go-to-line window pops-up.

The article Eclipse and go-to-line has been posted by Luca Ferrari on June 25, 2020