Percona Community ContributorsOpen-source companies live by their community. Favorable buzz by community users is ultimately what’s made Percona software successful. Some users make further contributions in the form of expertise, source code, documentation, and more. As an open-source company in business for over 14 years, Percona welcomes contributions from our user community. Here’s how you can start contributing!

1. Share your expertise on our newly revamped Percona Community Forum. Ask and answer questions, help others, and boost your public reputation.

2. Report a bug in Percona software. Log in to one of our many projects on the Percona Jira site and submit a bug report. We may give credit in our release notes to bug reporters.

3. Write a user review of Percona software. For example, see reviews written about Percona on the Capterra and G2 software review sites. Include your most and least favorite features, best sources for help, and other personal tips.

4. Alert us to directories where Percona ought to be listed. An example is this directory of PostgreSQL service providers where Percona was added. Help other potential users to discover Percona software.

5. If you’re speaking at a conference about a Percona product, alert us — maybe we can help!

6. Author an article for the Percona Community Blog. We publish community users who have strong technical expertise which would benefit others.

7. Create a video tutorial on a Percona product for possible inclusion on the Percona YouTube Channel. For example, see the video How to Create a Percona XtraDB Cluster created by a community user.

8. Propose source code for Percona Monitoring and Management, the Percona project best suited for community contributions. A good start is to create a tooltip, as explained in this post How to contribute Dashboards to PMM. The only prerequisite is some basic Git knowledge. Our engineers will review your contribution and respond.

9. Propose documentation for Percona Monitoring and Management as explained in this blog post How To Contribute to PMM Documentation. There are many unmet documentation needs in PMM. You’ll receive credit in your GitHub profile for contributions submitted to Percona.

10. If you are a student, apply to gain some real-world development experience via the Google Summer of Code project.  Applications are still being accepted for 2020.

For questions or for help getting started with any of these items, contact the Percona Community Team via [email protected]. We strive to help you become a successful Percona contributor!