Recent Episodes of ShopTalk Show

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There is a super cool new Podcast block for WordPress Gutenberg you use Jetpack (released in 8.5). I wanted to try it out, so below you’ll see recent episodes from ShopTalk Show. I’d tell you all about the recent episodes, except then this blog post wouldn’t age very well, because the point of this blog is showing recent episodes, not specific episodes, so it will change as we publish new shows.

Here they are:

612: Matt Haughey on a Fantasy Blogging CMS Setup ShopTalk

  1. 612: Matt Haughey on a Fantasy Blogging CMS Setup
  2. 611: React! TypeScript! Jobification! Drupal!
  3. 610: TypeScript in 2024, Signals, Productivity Sniped, and Follow Up
  4. 609: Blake Watson on Home Cooked Apps
  5. 608: Can WordPress Kill Your Resume, Fav Parts of Web Dev, Exploring HTMX, and more!
  6. 607: Astro Launches an Integrated Database
  7. 606: Web Sustainability with Michelle Barker
  8. 605: Jim Nielsen on Subversive URLs, Blogging + AI, and Design Engineers

And if I wanted to show off recent episodes of JS Party, with different colors, I could do that too:

The boring JavaScript stack JS Party: JavaScript, CSS, Web Development

Kelvin Omereshone is here to get you excited about boring, reliable tech. He believes a combination of Sails, Inertia, Tailwind & your frontend rendering library of choice are a great combo for building web apps. Tune in to find out why.
  1. The boring JavaScript stack
  2. Off to see the Wiz
  3. 13% of the time, Devin works every time
  4. Advocating for the future of the open web
  5. Getting a pulse on your Core Web Vitals 🩺

I love that I get useful little features like for literally doing nothing. Big fan of Jetpack for that reason.