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Top 20 Scintillating Computer Vision Projects

Mark Zuckerberg said, “If we are able to build computers that could understand what’s in an image and tell a blind person who otherwise couldn’t see that image, that would be pretty amazing as well.”

Computer Vision, a sub-field of AI that has a mission to make computers more intelligent than ever. Computer vision enabled computers to perceive the world and analyze it in real-time to generate insights.

Here’s a complete series of projects ideas of all the Latest cutting-edge Technologies-

  1. Python Projects
  2. Data Science Projects
  3. Machine Learning Projects
  4. R Programming Projects
  5. Django Projects
  6. Artificial Intelligence Projects
  7. Deep Learning Projects
  8. IoT Projects

So, if you’re eager to be a part of this mission of Computer Vision, then these projects are for you-

  1. Face Detection
  2. Camera Motion Sensing
  3. Theft Detection Device
  4. Image Classification
  5. Colour Detection Project
  6. Vehicle Counting
  7. Gender and Age Detection
  8. Face Recognition & Identification
  9. Rubik’s Cube Detection
  10. Smart Selfie Application
  11. Surveillance Robotics Project
  12. Computer Vision based mouse
  13. Handwritten Digit Recognition
  14. Text Scanner
  15. Barcode and QR Code Scanner
  16. Image Reverse Search Engine
  17. Driver Drowsiness Detection
  18. Detection of cancer 
  19. Smart White board
  20. Estimating Roulette game outcome

So, these projects are all you need to conquer the mission of Computer Vision and take a step ahead in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

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