Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Prefer lodash-es when using webpack

The lodash package needs to be able to support all browsers, it uses es5 modules. The lodash-es package uses es6 modules, allowing for it to be tree shaked by default in webpack v4.

This import declaration:

import {join} from 'lodash';

brings in the entire lodash file, all 70K.

This import declaration:

import {join} from 'lodash-es';

brings in just the join module, which is less than 1K.

With both lodash builds you can just import the function directly:

import join from 'lodash/join';

But when using multiple lodash functions in a file you may prefer the previous import declarations to get it down to one line:

import {chunk, join, sortBy} from 'lodash-es';

If you have these declarations throughout your app, consider aliasing lodash to lodash-es in your webpack config as a quick fix.

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