Posted On: Apr 20, 2020

Amazon Redshift now supports multi-factor authentication (MFA). Customers can use MFA to provide additional security when authenticating to their Amazon Redshift cluster. 

Customers can configure identity federation provider to require users to prove their identity using additional authentication factors. Amazon Redshift now supports a browser-based authentication workflow that works with any MFA configured by the identity federation provider. This browser-based authentication workflow also makes integration with any Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) based identity federation easier. 

To use multi-factor authentication with Amazon Redshift, get Amazon Redshift JDBC driver version and ODBC driver version or later. Refer to the AWS Region Table for Amazon Redshift availability.

To learn more about using MFA to authenticate to your Redshift cluster, see “Options for Providing IAM Credentials” in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide