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Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer
Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer

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Flask Delicious Tutorial : Building a Library Management System Part 5 - A Dip Into Templates Logic

Previous: Part 4 - Focus On Responses

In this chapter we are going to explore the basics of templates in Flask.

I have configured everything in this repo:


Download it, make sure you have Flask installed and run

Curly braces

To differenciate between html and whatever you want to render, you use curly braces. In templates/curly_braces.html you'll see

<body class="container">
    {{1 + 2}}

if you go to you'll see:

Alt Text

That's because enclosing 1+2 in {{}} causes flask to render the expression.

Rendering a Python variable

Let's say we have a variable called message. We want to render it in the template. In the html part we do:


and in we pass it as a keyword argument in our return function.

def render_variable():
    return render_template('render_variable.html', message='I am a rendered variable!')

message is the templates variable name and 'I am a rendered variable!' is the value.

Going to gives:

Alt Text

Rendering a loop

The syntax for a loop is as follows, python side we just render the file:

<body class="container">
    {% for i in range(5): %}
        <div>{{ i }}</div>
    {% endfor %}

Going to gives:

Alt Text

Just don't forget to put rendering values in {{}}

Rendering lists

Let's say python side we have a list of fruits:

def render_list():
    return render_template('render_list.html', fruits=['apple', 'orange', 'pear'])

now we have a variable called fruits available in the template. We iterate over it just like a normal list:

<body class="container">
    {% for fruit in fruits: %}
        <div>{{ fruit }}</div>
    {% endfor %}

Going to gives:

Alt Text

Setting a variable in the template itself.

To set a variable in the template itself you do:

{% set x = 5%}

You can then use it:

<body class="container">
    {% set x = 5%}

    <div>x is equal to {{x}}</div>

Going to gives:

Alt Text

Render ifs

It's totally possible and useful to have ifs in templates:

<body class="container">
    {% set x = 5%}

    {% if x == 5: %}
        <h2>X is equal to 5</h2>
    {% else %}
        <h2>X is not equal to 5</h2>
    {% endif %}

Going to gives:

Alt Text

as x is equal to 5

Where are the templates docs?

Flask actually use a sister project for templating called jinja. The whole docs can be found here:

Jinja2 is actually a very advanced and comprehensive templating library.

Throughout the chapters we'll cover the most common ones we'll use.

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