Posted On: Apr 1, 2020

Amazon Sumerian, the AWS service that makes it easy to create and run browser-based 3D, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) applications, now supports exporting your Sumerian scenes to glTF (GL Transmission Format), an open-source file format for 3D scenes and models that’s compatible with many other 3D editing tools and rendering engines. To learn more about the glTF file format and what is supported, please refer to our user guide.  

Exporting Sumerian scenes to the glTF format is easy. First, open an existing Sumerian scene. Then, in the upper left corner of the editor click the Scene drop-down menu, and select ‘Export to glTF.’ Next, select which scene assets to include in the exported file. Finally, click on the ‘Export to glTF’ prompt to begin the bundling and export process. For a step-by-step guide on how to preview your exported glTF file and examples for how to load them in popular open-source 3D web rendering engines, refer to our export to glTF tutorial.  

For more information about Amazon Sumerian, visit our product page.

Additional readings:

User Guide
Release Notes