Front-End Challenges Club is moving to Piccalilli

— 3 minute read

We’re in very uncertain times at the moment, and as a freelancer, I’m having to shuffle a lot of stuff around to adapt. Because of that, I’ve decided that Front-End Challenges Club needs to be moved from a standalone site to be a part of Piccalilli and put on long-term pause.

Why though? permalink

I need to focus more, but less stuff, and that focus, right now, needs to be on producing courses for Piccalilli and building that out as a business.

Some long-term client stuff has slowed down recently—understandably—so that has resulted in me having to re-schedule a sizeable part of this year. That scheduling means that I will be working on more course material than client work, earlier than I planned. I’ll also be working on the advertising and sponsorship aspect of Piccalilli.

The good news is that the courses probably will all launch earlier than I thought they would because from around two weeks time, I will be on them full time. Also because of this, I don’t want to be working on other stuff, like my other projects.

Front-End Challenges club challenges and solutions take a lot of time up. This, mixed with lower-than-ideal signups means that it doesn’t make financial sense to continue with them right now.

I am a subscriber. What happens now? permalink

First of all: thank you for subscribing. I really appreciate your support. We’ve built a nice little community that has been a pleasure to be a part of.

If you are a monthly subscriber, your plan has now been cancelled and you will not be charged again and you don’t have to do anything else.

If you are a yearly subscriber, you will get a prorated refund on your subscription, which will also be cancelled. I have some work to do to work all of that out, but you will see funds arrive on the card that you paid with shortly.

All the content is free now permalink

I’ve moved the content to Piccalilli now, so with that, I’ve removed the paid protection on the solutions, which means anyone can now take the challenges and learn the solutions for free. Of the seven challenges and solutions, there’s a great variety of stuff, so there’s bound to be one that you’ll enjoy.

In the future, I will probably produce more content in this format because I’ve received loads of feedback that it’s really handy to try something new first, then with that context learn how someone else does it.

Wrapping up permalink

Thank you to everyone who has supported Front-End Challenges club. You’re the best.

Sometimes, you’ve got to make really hard decisions and this was certainly one of them. This Coronavirus pandemic has pulled the rug from under a lot of people. I’ve been very lucky so far, but I’ve also had to act pretty fast, too.

If you are a subscriber and have questions, the support email, is still available for you.

Hi 👋, I’m Andy — an educator and web designer

I produce front-end development tutorials over at Front-End Challenges Club and Piccalilli. You can sign up for updates on Piccalilli to stay up to date with its progress.

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