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Alan Lamas
Alan Lamas

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How can we login through SAML 2.0 using our API REST developed in Ruby on Rails?

Our problem
We have an API REST developed in RoR and our client has a Single Sign On service which we need to login through SAML 2.0 standard to use our application.

We’ll see how integrating these 3 gems help us achieve our goal. If you want to know what these 3 gems do, just go to the Github page of each one.

  • devise_saml_authenticatble, version 1.5.0 (From now, DSA)
  • devise_token_auth, version 1.1.0 (From now, DTA)
  • devise, version 4.6.2

Some important concepts
There are a large number of articles about SAML standard, but in my opinion, i didn’t found one that explains correctly these concepts.

  • Identity Provider or IdP: The service in which we want to login, generally with a user and a password. This is usually provided by our client.
  • Service Provider or SP: Is our API. In my case, my RoR API.

Previously, we have to have the “create_users” migration and User model, after that, we need to install the 3 gems and run Devise’s generator and then, DTA’s generator setting up the class and the mount path.

We add these two lines in model.

class User < ApplicationRecord
  devise :saml_authenticatable
  include DeviseTokenAuth::Concerns::User
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At the bottom of the file, add this method and leave it empty.

  # We don't have passwords
  def remove_tokens_after_password_reset; end
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We do this because we don’t need passwords in our database, this is work for the IdP.

We have to rewrite the routes after run the DTA’s generator.

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  mount_devise_token_auth_for 'User',
    at: 'api/v1/auth',
    skip: %i[omniauth_callbacks],
    controllers: { sessions: 'api/v1/sessions' }

  devise_scope :user do
    get '/users/saml/sign_in', to: 'saml/auth#new'
    get '/users/saml/metadata', to: 'devise/saml_sessions#metadata'
    post '/users/saml/auth', to: 'dta_saml/sessions#create'
    delete '/users/saml/dta_logout', to: 'dta_saml/sessions#destroy'
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For the controllers, we create two new ones:

  • saml/auth_controller.rb
  • dta_saml/sessions_controller.rb

This controller will create the URL and redirect us, with a request, to the IdP to login, also the controller will test out if you are logged in or not. We will rewrite the #new method of DSA to edit the authentication flow.

module Saml
  class AuthController < Devise::SamlSessionsController
    def new
      idp_entity_id = get_idp_entity_id(params)
      request =
      auth_params = { RelayState: relay_state } if relay_state
      action = request.create(saml_config(idp_entity_id), auth_params || {})
      redirect_to action
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After that, we rewrite the “ require_no_authentication” method of Devise to eliminate all we don’t need and we add a forced logout. This is related to Warden and i won’t explain it here. Keep in mind that the 'action' variable is the URL of the IdP's page


    def require_no_authentication
      return unless is_navigational_format?

      no_input = devise_mapping.no_input_strategies
      authenticated = validate_credentials(no_input)

    def validate_credentials(no_input)
      if no_input.present?
        args = no_input.dup.push scope: resource_name

    def logged(authenticated)
      resource = warden.user(resource_name)
      redirect_to after_sign_in_path_for(resource) if authenticated && resource
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In this controller, we combine all we need of DSA and DTA. When we get the authentication response of the IdP, it will be decoded in the first line of the #create method and it will continue with the common process of DTA returning, in @client_id, 2 variables (client and token) and in @resource, the User object with it’s email. DTA uses these 2 variables and the email to authenticate us.

module DtaSaml
  class SessionsController < DeviseTokenAuth::SessionsController
    def create
      # retrieves the user to authenticate based on SamlResponse
      @resource = warden.authenticate!(auth_options)
      @client_id, @token = @resource.create_token
      sign_in(:user, @resource, store: false, bypass: false)
      yield @resource if block_given?

      # Here you can return a JWT token with the 3 variables

    def destroy


    def auth_options
      { scope: :user, recall: 'devise/sessions#new' }
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At this point, I suggest use JWT to create a token with those 3 variables and retrieve it to the Frontend to continue the authentication flow of DTA, but we won’t see it in this article.

The #destroy method, destroys the DTA's session invalidating the auth tokens.

/config/initializers/devise.rb and /config/attribute-map.yml
Configure these files as DSA’s page shows. The necessary data to configure the /config/initializers/devise.rb file should be provided by the IdP.

Modify the DTA’s migration and migrate.

  def change
    change_table(:users) do |t|
      t.string :provider, :null => false, :default => "email"
      t.string :uid, :null => false, :default => ""

      ## Tokens
      t.json :tokens

    add_index :users, [:uid, :provider],     unique: true
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If you have some problem with URL’s creation, you can create them manually.

We're done!
Now, we can use at the same time, a SSO by SAML 2.0 with an API REST developed Ruby on Rails,
I hope you find it useful, thank you for reading,

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