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Alex Kluew
Alex Kluew

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

How to install Sequelize in ExpressJS app with SQLite

Our goal for this project is to see this folder structure :

Connection established

Start a brand new nodejs project by making the src folder :

cd dev/nodejs
mkdir LeAppWriteup
cd LeAppWriteup
npm init
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Begin by installing the basic dependencies for this tutorial : express, sequelize, and sqlite.

npm install --save express
npm install --save sequelize
npm install --save sqlite3
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I wanted to configure the database connection first, so I made a folder called config and a file for database db.js. In the file I wrote the following :

// config/db.js
const Sequelize = require("sequelize");

const db = new Sequelize({
  dialect: "sqlite",
  storage: "leappwriteup.sqlite3"

module.exports = db;
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The configuration above basically follows the readme of the sequelize project. We are injecting the sequelize project, then we are instantiating a sequelize object that will use sqlite as its database. My database will be called leappwriteup.sqlite3 and this file does not exist as of yet.

After this code, I was ready to test the connections. All of the basic building blocks are there. The server, the database, and the connector. We test all three by running the following code in the index.js file (our start file) :

// index.js
const express = require("express");
const router = express.Router();
const db = require("./config/db");

// start db
  .then(result => {
    console.log("Connection established.");
  .catch(error => {
    console.log("Unable to connect to db: ", error);

// start app
const app = express();

module.exports = app;
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In the code above we are first injecting the dependent packages : express and database, the code for which is from our text above. We then call the database to establish a connection. If everything works as expected I will see Connection established. message. Otherwise, I will see the error for why it did not connect to the db. Finally, the express server is started and the entire app is exported for use elsewhere in the code.

node index.js

Run node index.js and see your progress. You should see the successful message. Congratulations, you have connected your server to the database and created an empty leappwriteup.sqlite3 database file. Otherwise, review your steps or send me a shout ;)

This part is totally optional. To interact with the database, we better start off with modeling our data as per sequelize documents. I did it by creating the following file in the folder models :

mkdir models
cd models && touch user.js
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I then created the following code in the user.js file :

// models/user.js
const sequelize = require("../config/db");
const { DataTypes } = require("sequelize");

const User = sequelize.define("User", {
  email: {
    type: DataTypes.STRING,
    allowNull: false
  password: {
    type: DataTypes.TEXT,
    allowNull: false
  username: {
    type: DataTypes.TEXT,
    allowNull: false
  token: {
    type: DataTypes.TEXT,
    allowNull: false

module.exports = User;
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Finally, test all of the code together by interacting with the database. I will do so by creating a seed file and running it.

touch ../config/db.seed.js
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In the seed file I want to connect to the database and add one user to the database and save it. After doing that, I want to run my project again to ensure that the connection to the database is established.

// config/db.seed.js
const db = require("./db");
const User = require("../models/user");

const seed = async () => {
  await db.sync({ force: true });

  const password = 'M<gC4[`Dqv}G``X"Tg4XDbRrmWR46/ca';
  const username = "getaclue";
  const email = "";
  const token = `eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxIiwibmFtZSI6ImluZm9AZ2V0YWNsdWUubWUiLCJpYXQiOjE1MTYyMzkwMjJ9._lImbjluzsOJSy-hlDzEOasZRSd8YuQ_9hBmmCvSvp0`;

    password: password,
    email: email,
    username: username,
    token: token
    .then(user => {
      console.log("seeded user", user);

      User.findOne({ where: { email: `${}` } })
        .then(user => {
          console.log("found in db after adding");
        .catch(error => {
          console.error("error looking for new user in db: ", error);
    .catch(error => {
      console.error("failed to seed, ", error);

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Once everything is typed out, you can feel free to test everything once again. I ran the following commands and made sure everything worked as expected.

node config/db.seed.js
node index.js
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So there you have it!

I have installed Sequelize and SQLite in my ExpressJS project; established the connection between ExpressJS and SQLite via Sequelize; created User's table, added some data, and queried that data. From here on, steps like building out the api; authentication; and authorization can proceed.

Top comments (1)

nikbaby92 profile image

thanks for the post. it helped me a lot