Glitch This!

A commandline tool + python library to glitchify images and even make GIFs out of them! Featuring 10 different levels of glitching intensity! The algorithm used to create glitched images is a slightly modifed version of the popular ImageGlitcher tool's algorithm, so you can expect the glitched images to look really cool!



  • Choose from 10 gradually different levels of glitching intensity!
    Want just a tiny bit of glitching, enough to make your image look cool? - use level 2 (my favorite)!
  • Create Glitched GIFs from a normal image!
    That's right, before this tool, I had to manually download each image from ImageGlitcher, save them, and then head to a GIF creation website.
    Now you can do it all at once!
  • Customize the number of frames in a GIF as well as their duration - all from the comfort of your terminal!
  • Add scan lines for a retro CRT effect!
  • Oh and did I mention, color offset? Just like ImageGlitcher, this tool glitches the color channels as well as the pixels - for very convincing looking glitched images!


  • python 3
  • pillow
  • numpy

You can install the required packages all at once through the included requirements.txt

Installation - The script

  • Download or clone this repo to a local folder

    cd /path/to/clone-folder
    git clone
  • While inside the folder, install the requirements.txt

    pip install -r requirements.txt


    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

OR, if you're a wizard and don't need no help, download just the standalone script and invoke it!

That's it! You can now use the script and/or the library!

Installation - The library

If you'd like to use the glitch_this module as a library, all you have to do is install it from pypi!

Just make sure wheel is installed first and run

pip install glitch-this


pip3 install glitch-this

Usage -

The script is designed to be used from the terminal, you can invoke it using python ./ and pass in the required/optional parameters.

TL;DR - Basic Usage

Simply pass in the image path and glitch level!


TL; DR - GIF creation

Same as last time, just include the -g option


Here's some points about the parameters - and what they do!

  • -h : Shows help text, use this to get used to the parameters!

    Ex - python ./ -h

    (OR) python3 ./ -h

Required Parameters

  • IMAGE_PATH : The script needs to know, what file you want to glitchify right?

    That's exactly what this is for, you supply the full/relative path to the image you want to glitchify.

    Remember, the path must exist as an image file. PNG, JPEG are certainly preferred.

    Ex - python ./ test.png

    (OR) python3 ./ test.png

  • GLITCH_LEVEL : An integer between 1 to 10 (including both 1 and 10), signifying how glitched the output image should be.

    1 stands for "you call this glitched?", 10 stands for "good luck understanding this one"

    my personal favorite is 2 if anyone cares :P

    Ex - python ./ 2

    (OR) python3 ./ 2

So, with all the required parameters in place, this is how the command should look like - python ./ test.png 2

Optional Parameters

  • -c : If included, the glitched image will have a color offset, more realistic glitching!

    Ex - python ./ -c test.png 2

    (OR) python3 ./ -c test.png 2

  • -s : If included, the glitched image will have scan lines

    Ex - python ./ -s test.png 2

    (OR) python3 ./ -s test.png 2

  • -g : If included, the output will be GIF

    Ex - python ./ -g test.png 2

    (OR) python3 ./ -g test.png 2

  • -f FRAMES : Specify the number of glitched images to be used in GIF

    Defaults to 23

    Ex - python ./ -g -f 10 test.png 2

    (OR) python3 ./ -g -f 10 test.png 2

  • -d DURATION : Specify the time (in centiseconds - hundredths of a second), a single frame is visible

    Defaults to 200

    Ex - python ./ -g -d 500 test.png 2

    (OR) python3 ./ -g -d 500 test.png 2

    tip : if you want the GIF to be slower, supply a bigger duration value

Usage - glitch_this library

A full example of how you can use the class is in

The function glitch_image in ImageGlitcher takes 3 parameters:-

  • src_img_path : Full/Relative path to image

  • glitch_amount: Intensity/Level of glitching, must be between 1 to 10 (including both 1 and 10)

  • color_offset : Set to True if you want color offset to be added to output image, more realistic glitching!

    Defaults to False

  • scan_lines : Set to True if you want scan lines effect to be added to output image

    Defaults to False


The algorithm is pretty fast, however larger image files will take longer to glitch
It is recommended to keep the FRAMES parameter as low as possible, especially for large images. Simply for memory and performance concerns

Whoa! Cool Glitches

Here's some glitched images generated from this script - of different intensity levels!

NOTE: All these images had -c parameter included, for color offset

Original image for reference:-


Glitched version - Level 2:-


Not badly glitched now is it?

Glitched version - Level 5:-


Well it's certainly starting to get glitchy

Glitched version - Level 8:-


I don't know what I'm looking at

Let's get some scan lines on there!

Glitched version (scan_lines)- Level 2:-


Glitched version (scan_lines) - Level 5:-


Glitched version (scan_lines) - Level 8:-


That's neat, but how about some GIFs? Here's some GIFs from the same image:-

Note: All the GIFs use default values from FRAMES and DURATION, i.e 23 and 200 respectively

Glitched GIF - Level 2:-


Glitched GIF - Level 5:-


Glitched GIF - Level 8:-

