Recently I mostly work on metrics stuff for a few of our backend services. Since we move away from NewRelic due to the high pricing ;-). We need to build our own metrics. We use Prometheus to expose/collect the data and Grafana to display the data, I’ll also list the expression of necessary charts.


The metrics I’m gonna talk about are not universal rules for all the projects, it varies from individual to individual. If you’re seeing some of them indicates bad metrics and you don’t know why, probably you’ll need to think about it.

Response time

This is rather straightforward, faster is always good. Longer response time makes your service less performant and cause downstream consumers high latency, no one will be happy about this. Make your service faster.

quantile (0.95,  (rate(http_request_duration_seconds_sum{cluster=~"$cluster"}[1m])/rate(http_request_duration_seconds_count{cluster=~"$cluster"}[1m]))) by (path)


With throughput, you know how many connections your service is handling in certain time window. It tells if it needs more resources or if you’re experiencing any request spikes. With HTTP status code, you’ll also know if there’s a high error rate.

sum(increase(http_request_duration_seconds_count{cluster=~"$cluster"}[1m])) by (code)


The memory usage for one service varies, normally it shouldn’t exceed 1GB, especially golang is quite memory efficient. Monitor memory usage frequently, you’ll know if you’re allocating too many objects or leaking objects. Larger memory usage could cause longer GC duration.

# Total memory
sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{namespace="$namespace",cluster=~"$cluster",pod_name=~"$appname.*"}) by (pod_name)

# Heap memory

# Stack memory


Goroutines is like threads in OS. By monitoring this, you’ll know if app is under resouce heavy operations. Since context switch for goroutines is low, it’s ok to have many goroutines, however keep an eye on number of goroutines and know why.


GC Pause

GC pause (duration) indicates how long the GC takes. Since GC will stop the world, keep in mind it shouldn’t take longer time. If you see it takes more than milliseconds, it’s not a good signal. Normally microseconds is ok.

sum(increase(go_gc_duration_seconds{namespace="$namespace",cluster="$cluster",service=~"$appname.*"}[1m])) by (quantile)

GC Frequency

GC frequency indicates how many GC happens in a certain time frame. GC stops the world, if too many GC happens, surely your service will get slower somewhat. It also means you allocate too many objects in stack, consider reducing objects allocation.

sum(increase(go_gc_duration_seconds_count{namespace="$namespace",cluster=~"$cluster",service=~"$appname.*"}[1m])) by (pod)