Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2020-02-07

We got a remarkable series of open source updates this week. AutoPkg, JSSImporter, and Outset all published updates that make the project independent of the pre-installed Python 2.7 on macOS. Since Python 2.7 will be deprecated really soon, Apple had announced that future macOS versions will not include a pre-installed Python anymore. These projects join Munki which had the update with “Python” independency with version 4.0 in December. Thanks to all contributors who put their efforts into these open source projects!

The next beta cycle for the Apple operating systems started this week. Once again, it looks as it if the “Spring Updates” for macOS 10.15.4 and iOS 13.4 will add features and changes relevant for users and administrators. Check out the details in the AppleSeed for IT portal.

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MacAdmins on Twitter

  • Martin Lang: “The number of SAP colleagues who chose a Mac as their primary computer has doubled over the last 15 months, it’s at almost 26K now with 82% of them running the latest macOS Catalina”
  • Laura Rösler: “We‘ve finally more than 26,000 Macs at SAP ….and crossed the 85% for macOS Catalina.”
  • Andrew Laurence: “For those in the ITlife who might not be familiar: MS plans to flip configurations on DCs, requiring either packet signing on LDAP connections, or using TLS with LDAP. This has been recommended for years.” (Thread)
  • Parker Higgins: “I used to wonder why the interfaces on Star Trek are so clunky given that it’s centuries in the future, but I guess that’s just Enterprise software for you”

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author