SFINAE special members or support incomplete types: Pick at most one

Here’s something that comes up a lot on the cpplang Slack. Why is it that std::vector<MoveOnlyType> advertises copyability?

In practice, this often manifests as cryptic compiler errors in which the caret points somewhere completely useless. For example:

In file included from test.cpp:1:
memory:1876:31: error: call to implicitly-deleted copy constructor of 'unique_ptr<int>'
            ::new((void*)__p) _Up(_VSTD::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
                              ^   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
vector:1258:9: note: in instantiation of function template specialization
'vector<unique_ptr<int>>::__construct_at_end<unique_ptr<int>*>' requested here
        __construct_at_end(__x.__begin_, __x.__end_, __n);
test.cpp:6:8: note: in instantiation of member function
'vector<unique_ptr<int>>::vector' requested here
struct Widget {

Why are we trying to copy a Widget? Why does a Widget even think that it’s copyable in the first place, given that one of its members is an “obviously non-copyable” vector<MoveOnlyType>? Well, it’s because vector always advertises copyability.

using MoveOnlyType = std::unique_ptr<int>;
    std::is_move_constructible_v<MoveOnlyType> &&

// Yet -- here's the surprising part! --
using MoveOnlyVector = std::vector<MoveOnlyType>;

The reason that vector always says it’s copyable is that in C++, every container must choose between

  • correctly SFINAEing its special members, and

  • supporting incomplete types.

The tradeoff is physically inevitable. Let’s see why.

What does it mean to support incomplete types?

Consider the following user-defined type:

struct RawNode {
    int data;
    RawNode *children_begin = nullptr;
    RawNode *children_end = nullptr;
    RawNode *children_endcapacity = nullptr;

    RawNode(const RawNode&) { ... }
    RawNode(RawNode&&) { ... }

struct SafeNode {
    int data;
    std::vector<SafeNode> children;

Observe that SafeNode is just RawNode with more safety built in. As far as the machine is concerned, they have the same in-memory representation and behavior. But SafeNode delegates the resource management of its children to the author of std::vector, which is good software-engineering practice and permits us to follow the Rule of Zero. So, wearing our hat as the author of std::vector, we’d really like to make sure that SafeNode is well-formed C++.

In contrast, think about how the following can’t possibly work:

struct InvalidNode {
    std::array<InvalidNode, 10> children;

array:143:9: error: field has incomplete type 'InvalidNode'
    _Tp __elems_[_Size];

A Node can’t contain within itself an array<Node, 10>; but it can contain within itself a vector<Node>. This is essentially because std::vector supports incomplete types, whereas std::array does not.

What does it mean to correctly SFINAE your special members?

STL containers, practically by definition, are resource-management types; so they follow the Rule of Five rather than the Rule of Zero. They must provide user-defined special members.

Let’s write an extremely simple Rule-of-Five resource-management class.

template<class T>
class Manager {
    alignas(T) char data_[sizeof(T)];

    T& data() { return (T&)data_; }
    const T& data() const { return (const T&)data_; }
    Manager(Manager&& rhs) noexcept { ::new (data_) T(std::move(rhs.data())); }
    Manager(const Manager& rhs) { ::new (data_) T(rhs.data()); }
    Manager& operator=(Manager&& rhs) { data() = std::move(rhs.data()); return *this; }
    Manager& operator=(const Manager& rhs) { data() = rhs.data(); return *this; }
    ~Manager() { data().~T(); }

But hang on, we’ve just created an unconditionally copyable class! (Godbolt.)

using MoveOnlyType = std::unique_ptr<int>;

If we want our class to behave like std::optional or std::tuple and be copyable iff T is copyable, then we need to add some SFINAE constraints to our special members. In C++03 through C++17, you’d do this with a bunch of base classes. I’ll show the much shorter C++2a approach, which is to use requires-clauses to constrain our special members.

template<class T>
class Manager {
    T& data();
    const T& data() const;
    Manager(Manager&& rhs) noexcept
        requires std::is_move_constructible_v<T>
        { ::new (&data()) T(std::move(rhs.data())); }
    Manager(const Manager& rhs)
        requires std::is_copy_constructible_v<T>
        { ::new (&data()) T(rhs.data()); }
    Manager& operator=(Manager&& rhs)
        requires std::is_move_assignable_v<T>
        { data() = std::move(rhs.data()); return *this; }
    Manager& operator=(const Manager& rhs)
        requires std::is_copy_assignable_v<T>
        { data() = rhs.data(); return *this; }
    ~Manager() { data().~T(); }

using MoveOnlyType = std::unique_ptr<int>;
    std::is_move_constructible_v<Manager<MoveOnlyType>> &&

But hang on again! We’ve just created a Manager that cannot be used with incomplete types.

struct Incomplete;
struct S {
    Manager<Incomplete> m;

Is S copy-constructible? Well, its implicitly defaulted copy constructor is non-deleted iff Manager<Incomplete> is copy-constructible, which is true iff Incomplete is copy-constructible… and we don’t know whether Incomplete is copy-constructible, because it’s incomplete!

GCC and Clang/MSVC give different behavior here, by the way. Clang and MSVC will attempt to instantiate S’s defaulted copy constructor as soon as they see the closing brace of S, which means they treat this code as a hard error. GCC waits to see if the defaulted copy constructor is needed, which means you can even use variables of type S as long as you don’t use any of S’s constructors or assignment operators. (Using any constructor, even the default constructor, would force the compiler to figure out which constructors were viable candidates for overload resolution; which would mean figuring out whether the copy constructor exists.)

To put it another way: If you aim always to correctly SFINAE your special members, then you will have trouble figuring out the “correct” answer in cases like this one.

struct Node {
    std::vector<Node> children;

Is Node copyable? Well, it’s copyable iff its member children is copyable; and children is copyable iff Node is copyable. So we have a logical loop with no clearly “correct” answer at all.

Which STL containers support incomplete types and thus are “always copyable”?

It varies from vendor to vendor. Here is a table I compiled by looking at libstdc++, libc++, and MSVC on Godbolt. This table lists only library types where copying a LibraryType<T> fundamentally requires copying a T; so for example I don’t list shared_ptr<T> or shared_future<T>.

“I” stands for “supports incomplete types T, and thus must be unconditionally copyable.”
“C” stands for “conditionally copyable, and thus type T must be complete.”
“U” stands for “unconditionally copyable, but also, fails to support incomplete types T” — that is, types marked U combine the disadvantages of the other two kinds.

Library type libc++ libstdc++ MSVC
pair<T, U> C C C
tuple<Ts...> C C C
variant<Ts...> C C C
optional<T> C C C
array<T, N> C C C
deque<T> U I U
forward_list<T> I I I
list<T> I I I
{multi,}map<T,T> I I I
{multi,}set<T> I I I
unordered_{multi,}map<K,T> I U I
unordered_{multi,}set<T> I U I
vector<T> I I I
istream_iterator<T> C U C
valarray<T> I U I
Posted 2020-02-05