I recently had to switch from Ubuntu to Windows on my workstation, but thankfully there is a Windows Subsystem for Linux now there and I decided to setup my tools in Ubuntu inside Windows. I will briefly describe the process and a solution for a small problem I encountered.

Install Required Software

To be able to start virtual machines with Test-Kitchen in WSL we need to install ChefDK and Vagrant in WSL. After the installation create an environment variable:


You can add this code into ~/.bashrc, it is set automatically on start. More on this in Vagrant Docs. After that install VirtualBox in Windows.

Test Current Configuration

I started testing if I could start the VM using Test-Kitchen by creating a simple kitchen.yml file.

  name: vagrant

  - name: ubuntu-18.04

  - name: default

This should download and start default ubuntu-18.04 image. After kitchen create, it downloaded the image, but unfortunately, it couldn’t start it and failed with the error:

* The host path of the shared folder is not supported from WSL. Host
path of the shared folder must be located on a file system with
DrvFs type. Host path: /home/${USER}/.kitchen/cache

It tries to create a shared folder although we did not ask for it. Lets look at the Vagrantfile it created. The file is in .kitchen/kitchen-vagrant/default-ubuntu-1804/Vagrantfile.

Vagrant.configure("2") do |c|
  c.berkshelf.enabled = false if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-berkshelf")
  c.vm.box = "bento/ubuntu-18.04"
  c.vm.hostname = "default-ubuntu-1804.vagrantup.com"
  c.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true
  c.vm.synced_folder "/home/${USER}/.kitchen/cache", "/tmp/omnibus/cache", create: true
  c.vm.provider :virtualbox do |p|
    p.name = "kitchen-projects-default-ubuntu-1804-af21e153-1697-468a-adff-99007a6fd980"
    p.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--audio", "none"]

Indeed the main synced folder is disabled, but some other cache folder is there. The source code of kitchen-vagrant has the answer:

def safe_share?(box)
  return false if config[:provider] =~ /(hyperv|libvirt)/

  box =~ %r{^bento/(centos|debian|fedora|opensuse|ubuntu|oracle|amazonlinux)-}

They create a cache folder automatically, if your box is from bento. We need to either disable this stuff or provide a better path. Adding this line to the kitchen.yml does the trick.

  name: vagrant
  cache_directory: false # added line
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