Posted On: Jan 20, 2020

Today, we are reducing the price of CloudEndure Disaster Recovery by 80% to $0.028 per hour per server, or an estimated $20 per month per server. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery minimizes downtime and data loss by providing fast, reliable recovery of physical, virtual, and cloud-based servers to AWS. 

By moving from contract-based to usage-based billing, we are aligning with the AWS consumption model that provides customers with greater flexibility. Customers can now easily use our solution by paying a per server hourly rate instead of committing to a long-term contract or set number of servers.

CloudEndure Disaster Recovery allows you to meet stringent recovery objectives for all major disaster recovery use cases: on-premises to cloud, cross-Region, cross-Availability Zone, and cross-cloud. Whatever the use case, you can follow the same simple process to set up, maintain, monitor, and test your disaster recovery plan.

Thousands of AWS customers already use CloudEndure Disaster Recovery to achieve business continuity of their most critical databases, including Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server, as well as enterprise applications such as SAP. As a result, they don’t need to purchase multiple application-specific replication tools. Customers further reduce disaster recovery costs by only paying for fully provisioned workloads in an actual failover or drill.  

Our new pricing applies to all AWS Regions where CloudEndure Disaster Recovery is available. Get started now via the AWS Marketplace or learn more on the CloudEndure Disaster Recovery product page