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Liza Szauder
Liza Szauder

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Modify or delete Laravel lang files content in controller.

In my current project, I need to allow the users to modify langauge files content in admin panel. My first thought was making it with mySql but I changed it to modify the files itselves to keep things at the same place.

What can it do?

  1. It can modify a certain key.
  2. It can add a new key.
  3. It can delete a certain key.

How is it work?

We will creat a controller named LocaleFileController

  1. We read the lang file to an array.
  2. We make the desired changes.
  3. We write back the file.


  1. Tested in Laravel6.
  2. It works if you don't have nested content in your localization files.

So, let's get started...

1. Step - Preparations

First, we create a controller. Open the command line processor and type:

C:\www\projectDierectory> php artisan make:controller LocaleFileController

Open the file and write some lines in it as bellow.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App;
use Lang;

class LocaleFileController extends Controller

    private $lang = '';
    private $file;
    private $key;
    private $value;
    private $path;
    private $arrayLang = array();

Let's see the variables:
$lang: Which language will be modified.
$file: The file name containing the required key.
$key: The key to modify or delete.
$value: The new value of the key.
$path: The path of the file. (Maybe you have subdirectories.)
$arrayLang: The array of key and value reading from the file.

2. Step - Make a function to add or modify a key.

We make a function to modify or add a new key.
If the key exists, it will be modified, and if it doesn't exist, it will be added as a new key.
(The read() and save() functions will be created little later.)

Put it in your LocaleFileController.php.

// Add or modify lang files content

    private function changeLangFileContent($lang, $file, $key, $value) 
        $this->arrayLang[$this->key] = $this->value;

3. Step - Make a function to delete a key.

This function to delete a key by using the php unset function.

Put it in your LocaleFileController.php.

// Delete from lang files

    private function deleteLangFileContent() 

4. Step - Open and read the file to array

Put it in your LocaleFileController.php.

// Read lang file content

    private function read() 
        if ($this->lang == '') $this->lang = App::getLocale();
        $this->path = base_path().'/resources/lang/'.$this->lang.'/'.$this->file.'.php';
        $this->arrayLang = Lang::get($this->file);
        if (gettype($this->arrayLang) == 'string') $this->arrayLang = array();

As you can see, if you don't add value to $lang variable, it will be the current locale.
The Lang::get('filename') reads the whole file in an array, so it's really ease for us. (Thanks Laravel.)

The last line may be interesting. If the file doesn't exist, then the Laravel put a string in the variable with the file name. So when it happens, we redeclare the array and the save() function will create the missing file.

5. Step - Save the file

Put it in your LocaleFileController.php.

// Save lang file content

    private function save() 
        $content = "<?php\n\nreturn\n[\n";

        foreach ($this->arrayLang as $this->key => $this->value) 
            $content .= "\t'".$this->key."' => '".$this->value."',\n";

        $content .= "];";

        file_put_contents($this->path, $content);

We write back the file conserving its format by tab and new line chars.

6. Step - Put it together

We create a public function in our controller (e.g. changeLang) what we can call from route.php and where we prepare the request data end where we call the functions we made before. Maybe we want modify only one key or maybe more. It depends on our project.

Finally, this is our LocaleFileController.php.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App;
use Lang;

class LocaleFileController extends Controller
    private $lang = '';
    private $file;
    private $key;
    private $value;
    private $path;
    private $arrayLang = array();

// Add or modify lang files content

    public function changeLang(Request $request) 
// Process and prepare you data as you like.

        $this->lang = '';
        $this->file = 'shop';
        $this->key = 'productGroup';
        $this->value = 'whatever';

// END - Process and prepare your data


        return view('admin/index'); 

// Add or modify lang files content

    private function changeLangFileContent() 
        $this->arrayLang[$this->key] = $this->value;

// Delete from lang files

    private function deleteLangFileContent() 

// Read lang file content

    private function read() 
        if ($this->lang == '') $this->lang = App::getLocale();
        $this->path = base_path().'/resources/lang/'.$this->lang.'/'.$this->file.'.php';
        $this->arrayLang = Lang::get($this->file);
        if (gettype($this->arrayLang) == 'string') $this->arrayLang = array();

// Save lang file content

    private function save() 
        $content = "<?php\n\nreturn\n[\n";

        foreach ($this->arrayLang as $this->key => $this->value) 
            $content .= "\t'".$this->key."' => '".$this->value."',\n";

        $content .= "];";

        file_put_contents($this->path, $content);


7. Step - Enjoy your work.

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