Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

No More Destructuring Objs in Func Args in Ruby2.7

Ruby has supported destructuring of objects into keyword arguments for a while in the Ruby 2.* series of releases, but now you'll be getting a warning if you try this:

The 2.6 version

> def foo(a:, b:); puts [a, b]; end
> foo({a: 2, b: 2})

The 2.7 version

> def foo(a:, b:); puts [a, b]; end
> foo({a: 2, b: 2})
warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call

This warning will turn into an error in Ruby 3.0.

And if you add ** to the call like it tells you to:

> def foo(a:, b:); puts [a, b]; end
> foo(**{a: 2, b: 2})

OK Everything is cool. You can't put ** if your keyword arguments are in a lambda which is being passed to map(&myLambda) though.

In this case, you'll have to rewrite your code, so do that or you'll be version locked!

H/T Brian Dunn

Read more here.

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