Last Updated: May 07, 2018
· theskumar

Mask email for public viewing as user identifier.

I'm sharing small utility to convert an email to publically viewable user id. The use case is a system where user's don't have username but we still need to identify the person via some automatically generated user id.

e.g. would become saur…

This type email masking can also be found on google-groups user interface, where if you click on a masked email, it will do a captcha verification before displaying the full email.

import math

def mask_email(email):
    Converts an email to publically viewable as user identifier after hiding parts

    >>> mask_email("")
    >>> mask_email("")
    >>> mask_email("")
    >>> mask_email("")
    >>> mask_email("")
    >>> mask_email("invalidemail")
    if '@' not in email:
        return email
    first, domain = email.split("@", 1)
    hide_after = min(math.ceil(len(first) / 2), 10)
    return '{}…@{}'.format(first[:hide_after], domain)