Posted On: Jan 10, 2020

The AWS Well-Architected Tool now offers you a simple way to share workloads with other AWS accounts. Many customers use multiple AWS accounts to provide administrative autonomy for their teams. With Workload Shares, you can now create workloads in the AWS account of your choice and share them with AWS accounts used by other members of your review team or with a centralized AWS account. This feature enables shared visibility into High Risk Issues (HRIs) identified in workloads and streamlines collaboration with other workload reviewers, such as a Cloud Center of Excellence Lead, a member of your AWS account team or an AWS Well-Architected Partner Program member. The Workload Shares feature can help you manage and drive down HRIs over time without requiring direct access to the AWS account where the workload is defined. 

Workload Shares is available to customers at no additional charge and is offered in all Regions where the AWS Well-Architected Tool is available: US East (N. Virginia, Ohio), US West (Oregon), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland, London), and Asia Pacific (Seoul, Sydney, Tokyo) Regions. To learn more about AWS Well-Architected Tool, visit the Documentation and Product Page. To learn more about how to engage an AWS Well-Architected Partner Program member visit the Program Page