JupyterCon 2018: Registration Open

M Bussonnier
Jupyter Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2018


Dear Jupyter Community,

For the past six months, the Project Jupyter team in collaboration with O’Reilly Media and NumFOCUS have been planning JupyterCon 2018. In January, we opened the Call For Proposal, during which we received numerous high-quality proposals. The total submissions exceed our expectations: more than 3 times the number of available slots! With the help of the Program Committee Reviewers and co-chairs Fernando Pérez, Brian Granger and Paco Nathan, we had the hard job of selecting among the fantastic submissions we received. Today we are happy to announce that most of the JupyterCon 2018 Program is ready and registration is open! We are exited to bring you sessions about Scaling JupyterHub, leveraging GPUs for Jupyter, Running C++, in Jupyter, and many more.

Fernando Pérez and Andrew Odewahn during JupyterCon 2017 Opening Keynote

As Paco Nathan previously announced, this year will have a dedicated Education Track, and Business Summit to supplement the Main Tracks, Trainings, and Tutorials that we already brought to you last year. Many of the highlights of last year such as “Meet the Experts” office hours, a Poster Session for extended discussions with presenters, and the Vendor Expo Hall will return this year.

As with last year, JupyterCon will be held at the New York Hilton Midtown, NYC, August 21-24 and Saturday 25th. You can register today for the main conference. Early Bird pricing ends on May 18th. You can also use the discount code PJ20. We also have a limited amount of financial support for JupyterCon for attendees thanks to our partners. Last year, we provided scholarships to 13 students from diverse backgrounds to attend JupyterCon 2017.

Community Sprint Day, August 25th.

Thanks to Bloomberg, Saturday, August 25th will be reserved for a separate Community Sprint day, free of charge. All community members, whether or not you plan to attend the main conference, are invited. This day will be focused on community, contributing to Jupyter, and Open Source in a “Open Studio” form. Whether you are new to Jupyter or a power user, we invite you to come and mingle with the rest of the attendees to lean about any Jupyter-related project.

Several activities will be available. Whether you have coding, design, or writing skills, we encourage you to contribute, pitch your ideas, and get started on something brand new.

Are you new to open source, Git, and GitHub? We’ll offer a introduction to Open-Source 101 and how to get development versions on your machine.

You’ve never tried Jupyter or you are an advanced user of Jupyter with specific needs? We’ll be hosting a JupyterLab user-testing session where you will have the chance to try upcoming features and give us critical insight on how to improve usability.

Interested in contributing back to Jupyter or related projects? Many experts will be here to help you move your project forward. If you are coming to JupyterCon and would like to help with Community Sprint Day, or have a project you’d like attendees to work on let us know !

The Community Sprint Day is free to attend, but registration is required.

Jupyter Pop-Up, DC, May 15th

You can’t wait to attend JupyterCon 2018 ? You can attend Jupyter Pop-Up, DC, May 15th for a Day long event, and a taste of what is to come !

Do not forget to follow this blog, @projectJupyter or @jupytercon, for further updates on JupyterCon.

Thanks to The O’Reilly Media Team; The Conference Chairs (Brian Granger, Paco Nathan and Fernando Pérez); The Program Committee (Dan Allan, Ian Allison, Paige Bailey, Lorena Barba, Tom Caswell, Afshin Darian, John Detlefs, Chris Erdmann, Jessica Forde, Stuart Geiger, Tim George, Michelle Gill, Tim Head, Jennifer Klay, Cierra Martinez, Emiliy Jane McTavish, Omoju Miller, M Pacer, Peter Parente, Eszti Schoell, Steve Silvester, Robert Talbert, Dwight Townsend, Wolf Vollprecht, Jamie Whitacre, Kevin Zielnicki) and all the people making JupyterCon 2018 possible, and Jupyter a reality.



French. @ProjectJupyter Dev. Steering Member and Co-Founder. @IPythonDev maintainer. Pythonista. ACM System Software Award 2017. @quansightai