🔥 It’s time to level up your frontend skills to get the frontend job you want in 2020.

Learn Redux and webpack with Jakob’s advanced frontend dev bundle

You’re stuck at the last pieces of your frontend skills puzzle: Redux and webpack

You have already learned Javascript and you feel you got how the basics of React works.

But you can’t wrap your head around the two tools that come next in your long list of tech to learn: Redux and webpack.

Both webpack and Redux seems scary. You’re almost afraid to touch it. The webpack configs you find in boilerplate projects are 100s of lines of code that are impossible to reverse engineer without detailed knowledge about webpack internals.

And all the dependencies you must install to just get started with a project using webpack and Redux is just pure crazy. Look at this list:

npm install --save-dev \
webpack \
webpack-cli \
@babel/preset-react \
babel-loader \
@babel/core \
@babel/preset-env \
webpack-dev-server \
redux \
react-redux \
redux-thunk \

And there is nothing fancy here. Just the absolute basic dependencies to get started with a “hello world” project.

You want to write fast apps but doesn’t all those dependencies make your app heavier?

You know it’s possible to use Redux and webpack to write scalable applications that are quick to load and smooth to use because you keep hearing other people being happy with it. It just seems like you can’t do it.

Why is this so freaking hard to learn?

The truth is that Redux and webpack are not more difficult to learn than JavaScript, React, or any other programming language or tool.

The problem is the way it is being taught.

You’re supposed to clone some boilerplate from Github and just figure things out by googling and reading docs. But the docs are terrible for a newbie. They’re too detailed and long.

You read the docs for hours and yet you sit there with the feeling “I should learn webpack so I can understand how my app works”

It’s not your fault that it’s hard to learn. You’re not stupid or slow. Learning by reverse engineering boilerplates is an inefficient and time-consuming way to learn.

Learn like a pro to get your next frontend job

You want to get to that next level to get a frontend job, or to get a promotion. And you don’t want to waste your time to get there.

There are no shortcuts. The best way to learn is to start from the beginning. A clean slate. Just you and a blank editor and the build that Redux setup, or the webpack config from scratch.

empty editor

When you know you can build a webpack config or a Redux app from scratch then you deeply know you know all the basics. You build up a solid foundation of knowledge and that will give you confidence.

You’ll have the confidence that you can handle any kind of unexpected challenge in the future because you know how the tech really works on a deep level.

In my two ebooks “Learn webpack” and “Real-world Redux” I use this approach. You start with nothing. In the Redux book you even learn how to implement your own fully-working Redux implementation from scratch.

This doesn’t mean that these books are basic or only scratches the surface. You’ll learn all the advanced concepts of both Redux and webpack. This approach just ensures you don’t miss any important pieces of the puzzle. We’re stacking the bricks one brick at the time, and when we’re done we have built a castle.

When you have built up that foundation of knowledge you’ll be surprised how quickly all those advanced and scary advanced crazy stuff is no longer anything special for you. You’re taking on the ducks pattern, Hot module reloading, and code splitting like you knew it all your life.

You already know the basics of React - now it’s time to take your skills to the next level

⚡ Learn to code fast apps

Leverage all features from webpack like tree shaking, code splitting and dynamic loading to create apps that are super quick to load.

📦 Learn how to create scalable codebases

Learn how to write clean code in practice to build apps that can scale. Creating a smart folder structure, scalable Redux architecture, and a webpack config using industry best practices.

🚀 Be super productive using latest tech

Squeeze everything out of the Redux dev tools to get that overview of what’s going on and take your debugging to the next level with time travel debugging. Enable Hot module reloading for your app to get a modern dev experience. Learn tips and tricks that makes your code shorter and quicker to write.

A complete package for learning how to build large-scale frontend apps

I’ve put together a bundle with my two most popular ebooks for learning Redux and webpack. Only available this black Friday!

A complete package for taking your frontend skills to the next level

black friday 2019

Learn webpack

100 pages long. You get it in both PDF and EPUB formats. Uses the latest version of webpack - version 4. ➡Get a sample chapter hereGet full table of contents here.

Real-world Redux

127 pages. Get it in PDF, EPUB and MOBI. Use the latest version of Redux - 4. ➡Full table of contentsGet a sample chapter here.

And they're on sale this weekend to an incredible discount. Buy both now during the black weekend and get 50% off. This discount will expire on Sunday evening!

This deal is no longer available

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Who’s the author?

It's me, Jakob. I'm a full-stack developer and independent consultant. I have 10 years of experience as a professional dev and I have been coding as a hobby since I was a kid.

jakob profile pic