Bash aliases / functions for kubectl

Put the following functions in, for example, ~/.bash_aliases: ```bash # Open a bash shell in the pod function kshell() { kubectl exec -it "$1" -- /bin/bash ;} # List pods function kpods() { kubectl get po -n default -o wide ;} function klogs() { kubectl logs -f "$1" ;} function ktail() { kubectl logs --tail=100 -f "$1" ;} # Restarts a pod function krestart() { kubectl rollout restart "deployment/$1" ;} # Stops a pod by scaling it to zero function kstop() { kubectl scale --replicas=0 "deployment/$1" ;} function kdesc() { kubectl describe pod $1 ;} function ksecret() { kubectl get secret $1 -o jsonpath="{.data.$2}" | base64 --decode ;} function ksecrets() { kubectl get secret/$1 -o yaml ;} ``` Your RSI symptoms and cognitive dissonance will disappear in about 6 months.