Posted On: Oct 14, 2019

You can now set environment variables for CodeBuild build jobs in your pipeline. Previously, build jobs in your pipeline could only use environment variables defined in the build project configuration or buildspec file. When building for different environments and stages, you can now set environment variables directly through CodePipeline. You can now reuse the same build project for multiple actions and simplify deployments to staging and production environments in your pipeline. You can also view the environment variables used for your build in the pipeline execution history alongside all other action configuration details.

CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service that helps you automate your release pipelines for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates. For more information on configuring CodeBuild actions, read our documentation. To get started, visit the CodePipeline console.

To see a list of all the regions where CodePipeline is available, please check out the AWS global region table.