How to Compile a Class at Runtime with Java 8 and 9

In some cases, it’s really useful to be able to compile a class at runtime using the java.compiler module. You can e.g. load a Java source file from the database, compile it on the fly, and execute its code as if it were part of your application. In the upcoming jOOR 0.9.8, this will be made possible through As always with jOOR (and our other projects), we’re wrapping existing JDK API, simplifying the little details that you often don’t want to worry about. Using jOOR API, you can now write:

// Run this code from within the com.example package

Supplier<String> supplier = Reflect.compile(
    "package com.example;\n" +
    "class CompileTest\n" +
    "implements java.util.function.Supplier<String> {\n" +
    "  public String get() {\n" +
    "    return \"Hello World!\";\n" +
    "  }\n" +


And the result is, of course:
Hello World!
If we already had JEP-326, this would be even cooler!

Supplier<String> supplier = Reflect.compile(
    `package org.joor.test;
     class CompileTest
     implements java.util.function.Supplier<String> {
       public String get() {
         return "Hello World!"


What happens behind the scenes?

Again, as in our previous blog post, we need to ship two different versions of our code. One that works in Java 8 (where reflecting and accessing JDK internal API was possible), and one that works in Java 9+ (where this is forbidden). The full annotated API is here:

package org.joor;

import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;


import static java.lang.StackWalker.Option.RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE;

class Compile {

    static Class<?> compile(String className, String content) 
    throws Exception {
        Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup();

        // If we have already compiled our class, simply load it
        try {
            return lookup.lookupClass()

        // Otherwise, let's try to compile it
        catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) {
            return compile0(className, content, lookup);

    static Class<?> compile0(
        String className, String content, Lookup lookup)
    throws Exception {
        JavaCompiler compiler = 

        ClassFileManager manager = new ClassFileManager(
            compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null));

        List<CharSequenceJavaFileObject> files = new ArrayList<>();
        files.add(new CharSequenceJavaFileObject(
            className, content));

        compiler.getTask(null, manager, null, null, null, files)
        Class<?> result = null;

        // Implement a check whether we're on JDK 8. If so, use
        // protected ClassLoader API, reflectively
        if (onJava8()) {
            ClassLoader cl = lookup.lookupClass().getClassLoader();
            byte[] b = manager.o.getBytes();
            result = Reflect.on(cl).call("defineClass", 
                className, b, 0, b.length).get();

        // Lookup.defineClass() has only been introduced in Java 9.
        // It is required to get private-access to interfaces in
        // the class hierarchy
        else {

            // This method is called by client code from two levels
            // up the current stack frame. We need a private-access
            // lookup from the class in that stack frame in order
            // to get private-access to any local interfaces at
            // that location.
            Class<?> caller = StackWalker
                .walk(s -> s

            // If the compiled class is in the same package as the
            // caller class, then we can use the private-access 
            // Lookup of the caller class
            if (className.startsWith(caller.getPackageName() )) {
                result = MethodHandles
                    .privateLookupIn(caller, lookup)

            // Otherwise, use an arbitrary class loader. This
            // approach doesn't allow for loading private-access 
            // interfaces in the compiled class's type hierarchy
            else {
                result = new ClassLoader() {
                    protected Class<?> findClass(String name) 
                    throws ClassNotFoundException {
                        byte[] b = fileManager.o.getBytes();
                        int len = b.length;
                        return defineClass(className, b, 0, len);

        return result;

    // These are some utility classes needed for the JavaCompiler
    // ----------------------------------------------------------

    static final class JavaFileObject 
    extends SimpleJavaFileObject {
        final ByteArrayOutputStream os = 
            new ByteArrayOutputStream();

        JavaFileObject(String name, JavaFileObject.Kind kind) {
              + name.replace('.', '/') 
              + kind.extension), 

        byte[] getBytes() {
            return os.toByteArray();

        public OutputStream openOutputStream() {
            return os;

    static final class ClassFileManager 
    extends ForwardingJavaFileManager<StandardJavaFileManager> {
        JavaFileObject o;

        ClassFileManager(StandardJavaFileManager m) {

        public JavaFileObject getJavaFileForOutput(
            JavaFileManager.Location location,
            String className,
            JavaFileObject.Kind kind,
            FileObject sibling
        ) {
            return o = new JavaFileObject(className, kind);

    static final class CharSequenceJavaFileObject 
    extends SimpleJavaFileObject {
        final CharSequence content;

        public CharSequenceJavaFileObject(
            String className, 
            CharSequence content
        ) {
              + className.replace('.', '/') 
              + JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE.extension), 
            this.content = content;

        public CharSequence getCharContent(
            boolean ignoreEncodingErrors
        ) {
            return content;

Notice how the JDK 9 version is a bit more complicated, as we have to:
  • Find the caller class of our method
  • Get a private method handle lookup for that class if the class being compiled is in the same package as the class calling the compilation
  • Otherwise, use an arbitrary class loader to define the class
Reflection definitely hasn’t become simpler with Java 9!

8 thoughts on “How to Compile a Class at Runtime with Java 8 and 9

  1. Great post! Can you do the same with test class? I mean, compile the test class, run junit tests from that class and get a result if tests passed? All done at runtime.

  2. I have jOOR working in my Java program, but I want to implement it in an Android program. I mostly interested in the feature of building up a method from a string. Right now I’m blocked because I can’t seem to import Any suggestions?

    1. I don’t think you can use that part of jOOR on Android, which doesn’t ship with most of the JDK API. Do note that jOOR doesn’t officially support Android

  3. Hi,

    How can I make it work when the java file depends on external jar libraries files?


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