DEV Community

Shiono Yoshihide
Shiono Yoshihide

Posted on

The React View Template Engine for Express


  • Pass the server data to the React client props
  • Because this is a view template engine, so results can be searchable by searching engines like Google (yes, we use server side rendering)

GitHub logo saltyshiomix / react-ssr

React SSR as a view template engine


  • SSR (Server Side Rendering) as a view template engine
  • Dynamic props
    • Passing the server data to the React client props
    • Suitable for
      • Admin Panels
      • Blogging
  • Developer Experience
    • Zero config of webpack and babel
    • HMR (Hot Module Replacement) both scripts and even if styles when process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
    • Built-in Sass (SCSS) support

Pros and Cons


Because it is just a view template engine:

  • It doesn't need to have any APIs, all we have to do is to pass the server data to the client
  • It supports multiple engines like .hbs, .ejs and React .(ts|js)x
  • We can use passport authentication as it always is


  • It is not so performant, because it assembles the whole HTML on each request
  • It does not support client side routing


With @react-ssr/express

Install it:

$ npm install --save @react-ssr/core @react-ssr/express express react react-dom
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And add a script to your package.json like this:

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Quick Start


$ npm install --save @react-ssr/express express react react-dom
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Populate package.json

  "scripts": {
    "start": "node server.js"
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Write server.js

const express = require('@react-ssr/express');
const app = express();

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  const user = { name: 'World' };
  res.render('index', { user });

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('> Ready on http://localhost:3000');
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Implement views/index.jsx

import React from 'react';

export default function Index(props) {
  return `Hello ${}!`;
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Run Server

$ npm start
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You'll see Hello World!

Deep into Dive

1. Register jsx and tsx

source: register.ts

const ENGINE: 'jsx' | 'tsx' = getEngine();
app.engine(ENGINE, renderFile);
app.set('views', resolve(process.cwd(), viewsDir));
app.set('view engine', ENGINE);
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2. Render a File (Server Side Rendering)

source: render.tsx

import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';

let html: string = '<!DOCTYPE html>';

let Page = require(file); // `file` is a React function component
Page = Page.default || Page;

html += renderToString(
  <Html script={`${hash}.js`}>
    <Page {...props} />

return html;
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3. Bundle Scripts and Write Output

source: render.tsx

import fs from 'fs';
import template from 'art-template';
import webpack from 'webpack';

const { ufs } = require('unionfs');
const MemoryFileSystem = require('memory-fs');
const template = require('art-template');

const cwd: string = process.cwd();

template.defaults.minimize = false;

const mfs = new MemoryFileSystem;
ufs.use(mfs).use(fs); // union memory-fs and fs!

// write file in the server memory
mfs.mkdirpSync(resolve(cwd, 'react-ssr-src'));
mfs.writeFileSync(resolve(cwd, `react-ssr-src/entry.jsx`), template(resolve(__dirname, '../page.jsx'), { props }));
mfs.writeFileSync(resolve(cwd, `react-ssr-src/page.jsx`), template(file, props));

// compile in the server memory!
const compiler: webpack.Compiler = webpack(configure(hash, ext, distDir));
compiler.inputFileSystem = ufs;
compiler.outputFileSystem = mfs; any) => {
  if (err) {
    console.error(err.stack || err);
    if (err.details) {

// read the results from memory file system
// write the results to the real file system
await outputFileSync('result.js', mfs.readFileSync(cache).toString());
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That's it!

Final output html is like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <div id="app">
      <p>Hello World!</p>
    <script src="/c834ab9b47260a08d695f59ba1a5b24d.js"></script>
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But I love to use NEXT.js! lol

Top comments (6)

cyb3rsalih profile image
mehmet salih bindak

I am getting error at "Run Server" part.

" Cannot find module '@react-ssr/core/dist/document' "

Can't see any result in google either :(

saltyshiomix profile image
Shiono Yoshihide

Have you installed @react-ssr/core?

If you want to see full information, please check out GitHub README, not this post :)

cyb3rsalih profile image
mehmet salih bindak

Aaaah :(((( Sorry. I only installed @react-ssr/express. I thought it was a dependency and will install by itself. Now it is OK. Thank you for fast reply

Thread Thread
saltyshiomix profile image
Shiono Yoshihide

No problem, the latest information is at GitHub readme :)

Formally it's true that @react-ssr/express includes @react-ssr/core, but now it is separated for many reasons.

icecoffee profile image
Atulit Anand

Deep into Dive

  1. Register jsx and tsx source: register.ts

register.ts in point 1 is broken

tomgrigory profile image
Tom George • Edited

const app = express();

TypeError: express is not a function

Why is it like this?????