Marathon Authentication with Mesos as Framework

Mesos 0.15 added support for framework authentication. If you plan to use local volumes feature of Marathon 1.0.0 RC1 then your Marathon framework must had to authenticate with Mesos. In this blog, I am going to explain how to create credentials and authenticate with Mesos while registering with the Mesos master.

If you follows my last blog, then I am going to configure this on same Node I will change the directory to my home and create two files

1. Create a file defining framework principals and their secrets with the following content.

$ cd
$ touch credential
$ cat credentials

principal1 secret1
principal2 secret2

2.Start the master using the credentials file (assuming the file is ~/credentials):

$ sudo ./bin/ --ip= --work_dir=/var/lib/mesos --zk=zk:// --quorum=1 --authenticate --authenticate_slaves --credentials=/home/ubuntu/credentials

3. Create another file with a single credential in it (~/slave_credential):

principal1 secret1

4. Start the slaves

$ sudo ./bin/ --master= --credential=/home/ubuntu/slave_credential

Your new slave should have now successfully authenticated with the master.

5. Start Marathon using the following command line arguments

--mesos_authentication_principal principal2
--mesos_authentication_secret_file /home/ubuntu/marathon.secret
--mesos_role foo

Note: the framework must be registered for a specific role only in case you want to use Mesos features that require specifying a role
for a request.

$ MESOS_NATIVE_JAVA_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/ ./bin/start -h  --master 	 --zk zk:// --mesos_authentication_principal principal2 --mesos_authentication_secret_file /home/ubuntu/marathon.secret --mesos_role foo

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