Open Source Summit 2017 (recap)

This is a recap of my experience at the Open Source Summit in 2017. A draft that I never finished, here are the raw materials including lots of photos.

Main event

The Open Source Summit or #OSSummit took place in the JW Marriot Live in LA and was a collection of industry events held under one roof but running in separate tracks. This event was previously known as "LinuxCon".

Conference format

Each morning over Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday there were keynote sessions lead by the Linux Foundation from 9-11.30 followed by talks in the various tracks for the rest of the day.

Keynotes focused on:

  • Importance of building and encouraging community
  • New projects and partners joining the CNCF
  • The reach and scale of Linux and containers

Dan Kohn who heads up the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced that two new projects had joined the CNCF.

The first project donated to the CNCF was Kubernetes, but the foundation now has over 118 members showing 5x growth over 2 years.

5 minute summary

Here's a 5-min video I was sent by Greg Pollack - it's an excellent summary of the first day of the conference and has a nice mention of the OpenFaaS project at 2min 50 secs.

Zero to serverless in 60 seconds

My talk was called Zero to Serverless in 60 seconds, anywhere and was held on the Monday in Gold Ballroom 4. 67 people registered for the event and all demos ran smoothly!

Only the keynote sessions were recorded, but I gave a very similar talk to 220 people at the Cloud Native London meetup the week before which has a HD recording.

I gave a live demo of converting a QuickTime video file to an animated GIF via a Serverless function:

Gordon, Docker's Mascot received a cash bonus through a Serverless Alexa skill.

If you would like to find out more about the project head over to

Moby Summit

The Moby Summit was at the end of the Open Source Summit event and followed a familiar format: in the morning the various Moby project leads presented the progress and developments made by their teams along with a technical demo.

Some demos included:

  • buildkit (premier)
  • linuxkit on ARM64
  • notary for image signing
  • containerd and cri-containerd (via Google)

And as a last minute addition the OpenFaaS serverless project.

In the afternoon everyone breaks out into areas by common interest or project and collaborates together - either to evaluate the projects and give feedback or to start hacking on the source code. This is always a very hands-on time involving whiteboards, heated discussion and hacking. At the end of the day notes are collated and presented back by to the wider group.

The first Moby Summit was held in Berlin in October 2016.

Patrick Chanezon from Docker Inc was heading up the event and doing live tweeting. Here are some of the highlights from the OpenFaaS talk:

OpenFaaS Birds of a Feather session

Other networking

In the expo area Microsoft were demoing the Windows Subsystem for Linux which enables native execution of Linux binaries on a Windows system.

I met with John Starks the lead developer of "Linux on Windows" to talk about Serverless on a mixed Windows and Linux cluster. I also had a chance to play with the Surface Laptop - which was a very cool device.

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Alex Ellis

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