PgBouncer gets SCRAM!

Three days ago PgBouncer 1.11 has been released, and one feature that immediately caught my attention was the addition of /SCRAM support for password/.

SCRAM is currently the most secure way to use password for PostgreSQL authentication and has been around since version ~10~ (so nearly two years). SCRAM support for PgBouncer has been a /wanted feature/ for a while, since not having it prevented users of this great tool to use SCRAM on the clusters.

Luckily, now this has been implemented and the configuration of the PgBouncer account** is similar to the plain and ~md5~, so it is very simple.

I really love PgBouncer and, with this addition, I can now upgrade my servers to /SCRAM/! Thank you PgBouncer developers!

The article PgBouncer gets SCRAM! has been posted by Luca Ferrari on August 30, 2019