brief intermezzo of library fanfic

Screenshot 2018-03-27 00.53.02


Team Alpha, enter through loading dock, proceed via stairway 3 to level B, and secure Recent Arrivals Fiction. Team Omega from main entrance, vault over the turnstiles, and take Circulation. If there’s any resistance, try not to hurt anyone, but as always, the books come first — but I don’t think there will be, we have some friends on the inside.

Comrades, once we’re in, we’re holding it and not leaving. We can run this library better than those bastards ever did, and read all the authors we want — for the rest of our lives! Shortened though those lives may now be, we know they will be more fulfilling than even centuries upon centuries with only one author.

Okay, synchronize your watches, on 3, 2, 1, mark.

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