Posted On: Aug 20, 2019

You can now route streaming (for example - pixel, USB, user input, audio, clipboard, file upload/download, and printer) traffic to your Amazon AppStream 2.0 streaming instances through your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) using VPC endpoints. You can also use a VPC endpoint to perform API operations without relying on an internet connection. With this feature, the network connection between your users and your AppStream 2.0 streaming instances and your API operations can be restricted to private network routes, further securing your applications. VPC endpoints for AppStream 2.0 are provided by AWS PrivateLink, a highly available, scalable technology that enables customers to privately connect their Amazon VPC to supported AWS services.

To get started using AppStream 2.0 with VPC endpoints, create an AppStream 2.0 VPC endpoint in your chosen Amazon VPC, then specify the VPC endpoint when creating a new stack, modifying an existing one, or creating a new image builder. Your users will then use the VPC endpoint when they stream their applications. To learn more about the AppStream 2.0 streaming VPC endpoints, see Creating and using VPC Interface Endpoints in the AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide. To learn more about the AppStream 2.0 API VPC endpoints, see Create an Interface Endpoint To Access AppStream 2.0 API Operations and CLI Commands in the AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide.

The AppStream 2.0 VPC endpoints feature is available today in all AWS Regions where AppStream 2.0 is offered. Standard AWS PrivateLink pricing applies for each endpoint that is created and used. For more information, see AWS PrivateLink pricing. AppStream 2.0 offers pay-as-you-go pricing. Please see Amazon AppStream 2.0 Pricing for more information, and try our sample applications.