
What is Cloud Native, Really?

Get the definition from the engineers on campus up close and personal on the Cloud Native Show. In our Pilot episode, follow Shayne as he explores the Microsoft campus to have Cloud Native explained to him by Distinguished Engineer, Brendan Burns. For more episodes be sure to subscribe at https://aka.ms/cloudnativeshow

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What about cloud-native applications?

[01:14] - Two really important aspects of cloud native
[02:42] - Brendan talks about concept of Blue/Green deployments
[03:45] - Shayne asks, "Is this just SOA redifined?"
[06:43] - Is tooling the hardest part?
[10:22] - Do we jump or stay in Virtual Machines because it's what we know?
[11:48] - Is Kubernetes the thing or are we going somewhere next?
[14:10] - Containers are everywhere, is the cloud the final deployment?
[16:30] - Brendan answers how to get started.
