OpenFaaS Community Roadshow

Over the last week people from all around the world have taken to the road to speak about how OpenFaaS makes Serverless Functions Simple on Kubernetes.

One of the core values of our project is to be Community-centric, which means:

  • investing time into onboarding new contributors
  • building a group of core contributors
  • spending time listening to influencers and users
  • holding regular Zoom calls and round-tables

We also have a weekly give-away of SWAG via Twitter and the #FaaSFriday campaign.

This post is going to highlight some of the events that popped up around the world at conferences and meet-up groups in France, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Italy and the USA.


Estelle Auberix has lead several workshops on building Kubernetes clusters with Raspberry Pi and OpenFaaS and gives a talk here at the local Docker meet-up in Nice.

Milan, Italy

In Milan Nic Jackson gave a talk on private FaaS with OpenFaaS at the local serverless meet-up. Nic is an OpenFaaS contributor, author of Building Microservices in Go and created an integration with Hashicorp's container schedule called Nomad.


Frank Pommerening is a .NET/C# developer who picked up OpenFaaS in his spare time and developed his own independent workshop material which he teaches in Germany.

Pictured below: Frank running a workshop at the spartakide event.


At the Docker meet-up in Dublin, Ireland Yoseph Buitrago gave a version of my talk with Scott Hanselman on how and why you should build your own private cloud with Raspberry Pi and OpenFaaS.

See Yoseph's adaptation of the slides here

The talk with Scott at London's NDC event:


At the SuSE's Expert Days event Juan Herrera from SuSE took to the stage to explain how OpenFaaS can provide FaaS and compute on Kubernetes.

Panos Georgiadis who was also at the event wrote about OpenFaaS on SuSE linux last year in November: How to start with OpenFaaS


Here's John Callaway presenting on OpenFaaS with Raspberry Pi as a test-bed. John's an author, Microsoft MVP, co-presenter of 6-Figure Developer and an all-round great communicator.

We spoke about Raspberry Pi clusters, the Docker Captains program and about OpenFaaS back in December. Be sure to catch up on The 6 Figure Developer Podcast: Episode 022 – OpenFaaS with Docker Captain Alex Ellis

Get involved

I'll now share with you the final slide from Estelle's deck with three great ways to get involved with the OpenFaaS project and community.

1. Check us out on GitHub

Please star our project, we've now got 1/3 of the stars of Kubernetes and that keeps growing as the likes of Estelle, Panos and Nic take the message out about Serverless Functions Made Simple.

2. Try our new workshop

We have a new workshop with 7 hands-on labs that you can work through at your own pace to learn how to put functions to work.

3. Join our Slack workspace

The best way to get in touch, ask questions or to start contributing is to join our Slack workspace. Most of the people who presented this week are in the workspace already and would love to talk with you about functions.

Just send a email to with one or two sentences about yourself so we can introduce you to the community.

Upcoming events near you

Check out our event calendar for events coming up soon near you:

See me speak on OpenFaaS at Cisco's DevNet Create event in Moutain View - 10-11 Apr

If you've written a blog post or are planning an event then please send a pull-request to our community file.

Alex Ellis

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