

When you use the word God try to see it as a society/tribe seeing the best of itself in an idealized individual personal form. It is the Big Brother of the book 1984 who does not really exist.

So the Jewish god is singular (not many in number) jealous of other gods, vindictive of against people who disobey. Demands absolute obedience.

The Celtic, Roman , Greek , Hindu gods are many in number because the polytheists recognize the best of us can take many forms. It is not jealous or vindictive. But it reduces unity and increases numbers.

Before media the gods were sold by religions which are a type of P2P federated media with hierarchies (ActivityPub)

Nowadays society sees the best (and worst) of itself through media.

It sells us a idealized picture of ourselves.

The modern super hero pantheon is a polytheistic many ways to be god outside the law fixing the world sold to us by monotheistic Jews

When a society stops having a god archetype it relies on new archetypes like the tyrannical father and oedipal mother as a substitute. It sees itself as oppressed by a patriarchy while being protected by the oedipal mother.

The history of what the gods did in the history of our tribe is the history of what our tribe did but cannot admit to ourselves.

So when Egyptian first borns died you know who really did it.




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