Vorner's random stuff

Is Rust C++ in disguise?

I’m going to give a talk about Rust to some C++ folks. And while preparing it, I have to wonder about one thing.

Sure, Rust and C++ have different syntax ‒ C++ has function return types on the left side (most of the times), Rust has them on the right side. Rust has the borrow checker. C++ has template madness. They differ in their error messages. But if you strip the language of the clothes of syntax, and leave the naked semantics inside, how much do you have to squint to claim they are the same?

And I believe you don’t have to squint that much. This is IMO a good thing while introducing a C++ developer to Rust. The C++ developers are wary of new languages that claim to be system ones, because a lot of them aren’t, or not to the same level as C++ is. Having the same semantics under the hood kind of says that yes, Rust can do all or most of the stuff C++ can, with the same or similar performance characteristics.

Few disclaimers

I don’t know if any reader will find this post of any value. Well, I never know upfront, but here this is mostly me trying to sort my own ideas a bit and while doing so, I might as well do it here publicly.

If I make some claims that are blatantly not true, I’m all happy to be corrected. However, this is going to be mostly on the intuitive level, so there are going to be some simplifications. Please don’t get upset about little inconsequential details like C++ and Rust having different calling conventions or different name mangling scheme. Some squinting is still allowed. I’m also not providing references to exact sections in rustc codebase or C++ standard to back up the claims.

Second, I’m going to talk about mainstream C++ implementations. There’s one canonical implementation of Rust (I know about mrustc, but I’m not going to talk about that one either), but C++ is a standard. That standard allows a lot of leeway for implementations so one could create a C++ interpreter or compile to JVM or mostly whatever (and as crazy as people are, someone probably already did create a C++ compiler targeting JVM). The point is, when we talk about C++, we talk about the usual ones that compile to native code, like GCC, Clang or MSVC.

By the way, most of what this talks about is also applicable to C ‒ not everything, for example C doesn’t have stack unwinding, but most things still apply.

The execution model

Both languages are ahead of the time compiled to native. This erases most of the type information (which is preserved in optional debug info, but not actually used by the program itself), the only thing left after types is the actual actions taken with the bytes in memory. There are small exceptions ‒ RTTI, tables of virtual methods, etc. But they are not used globally, only when absolutely necessary. Non-virtual methods are a syntax sugar for quite an ordinary function with the first argument being the object the method is called on (this one is implicit in C++, but it is there). Virtual ones are just a bit of glue code that looks up in the virtual method table and calls that (basically a call by a pointer to function).

Speaking about types and memory, types compose in a flat manner ‒ a field in a struct is part of the memory image of the whole struct. Any indirection in the composition is explicitly asked for by the programmer. The fields are identified only by offset from the start of the struct, which is hardcoded into the generated code, not by eg. names.

Memory is split into three kinds (+some minor niche cases like thread local storage, but let’s skip that one):

Threads map directly to the OS-level threads (though libraries can provide further abstractions above that).


Some people say that neither Rust nor C++ has a runtime. This is slightly misleading.

It doesn’t have a fat runtime like Java or Python or Go does that oversees the run of the program. It doesn’t have a garbage collector that puts the whole program to sleep whenever it likes. It doesn’t have a JIT that modifies the instructions as the program runs.

But both Rust and C++ have a runtime. There’s something that prepares the program to run before main is started. There’s something that takes care of loading dynamic libraries. There’s the memory allocator to manage the heap. There are things like stack unwinding when an exception/panic happens.

The crucial difference is, all of this is on-demand. If you don’t allocate memory, the memory-allocator doesn’t get used. But it’s not true that if you don’t allocate in Java, you’d be guaranteed the GC would not run. The runtime doesn’t oversee the program execution, it obeys the program.

This on-demandness of the runtime makes it possible to easily embed both Rust and C++ into other languages, even ones with the overseeing runtime. However, having two overseeing runtimes in the same program is probably asking for big trouble (I’m reluctant to claim it’s impossible because someone would just put in the effort to prove me wrong).

Furthermore, in both C++ and Rust, it is possible to opt-out of various parts of the runtime. You can give up the memory allocator if you aim to be the kernel or to run on an embedded device. Of course, you also lose big parts of standard library if you do so.

Undefined behaviour

And yes, both languages have the notion of undefined behaviour. While it is not possible to invoke it from Safe Rust (barring compiler bugs), this barrier is on the syntax level.

Edit: As kindly pointed out by etareduce, the things that are considered UB are not completely the same ‒ signed integer overflow is UB in C++, while bool with value 2 is UB in Rust (though there’s significant overlap, like accessing dangling pointers).

Does it mean C++ and Rust are the same?

Well, no, of course not :-). The syntax is obviously a big part of the story. Having a static analyser (the borrow checker) a mandatory part of compilation is also something important. Rust has some modern tooling. And it drops a lot of old historical baggage (I’m looking at you, array to pointer decay from C!).

There are a lot of resources on the Internet about how these languages are different, so I’m not going to go into that topic right now.

But I still like to say that Rust might be what you get if you decide to do C++ today from scratch. Not that it knew from its start it wants to become something like C++, that AFAIK kind of happened on the way.