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Configure a local WordPress development using Docker

One of the most popular articles on my website is “Configure a local WordPress development on macOS from scratch”. I have recently used Docker a lot so I decided to tackle the same subject again but this time using containers.

Wordpress and Docker websites

This is not a Docker tutorial although by following along you learn how helpful this tool can be. I highly encourage you to familiarize yourself with few basic concepts like: images, containers, networks and volumes. Having a Docker app installed makes a lot of sense too. Regular readers know that I am a great friend with Homebrew. Yes, you can use it to download Docker too.

brew cask install docker

Wordpress + MySQL + phpMyAdmin

To comfortably work with WordPress in a bare-bones local environment two components are required, although a third one is nice to have in some circumstances.

  1. WordPress
  2. MySQL or MariaDB database
  3. Database GUI like phpMyAdmin (optional)
Wordpress + MySQL + phpMyAdmin

Docker compose is a tool for creating multi-container Docker applications defined using single docker-compose.yml file (.yml and .yaml extension works just fine). Sounds like a fantastic method to connect our three building blocks together. I will do my best to provide helpful descriptions and comments to each of the core building blocks. Start by making a new directory for your website, create a docker-compose.yml in there and let’s finally get into the meat of this article.

mkdir wp && cd $_ && touch docker-compose.yml
# Version of the Compose file format
# Version 3 is the most current and recommended one
version: "3"

# Top building block that defines
# All containers used for this service

  # Container 1
    # Image name (optinally version)
    image: mysql:5.7
    # Define restart policy
    restart: always
    # Volumes definition
    # Named volume, allows persisted data but without caring where locally it is stored
      - db_data:/var/lib/mysql
    # Add environment variables
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password
      MYSQL_DATABASE: wordpress
      MYSQL_USER: wordpress
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: wordpress
    # List of networks to join
      - wp

  # Container 2
    # List of dependencies
      - db
    # Image name (optinally version)
    # Feel free to add a version of WordPress
    # I.e. wordpress:5.2.0
    image: wordpress
    # Define restart policy
    restart: always
    # Volumes definition
    # Maps your local folder, to path in a container
    # Useful for file edits
    # I like to map only wp-content
    # We should not care about WP core files
    volumes: ["./:/var/www/html/wp-content"]
    # Add environment variables
      WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: db:3306
      WORDPRESS_DB_USER: wordpress
      WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: wordpress
    # Ports mapping
      - 80:80
      - 443:443
    # List of networks to join
      - wp

  # Container 3
  # This one is optional
    # List of dependencies
      - db
    # Image name (optinally version)
    image: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
    # Define restart policy
    restart: always
    # Ports mapping
      - 8080:80
    # Add environment variables
      PMA_HOST: db
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password
    # List of networks to join
      - wp

# Top building block that defines
# All networks used for this service

# Top building block that defines
# All volumes used for this service

That’s it — time to build our stack! Bear in mind that when you run it for a first time it is going to download all necessary stack images. Every subsequent invocation is going to be almost instant.

docker-compose up -d 
Run docker-compose command to spin up a WordPress website


Hopefully you found this helpful. This simple setup helps me a lot to spin up a new WordPress from scratch in absolutely no time.

Ps. For simple websites like this one don’t use Wordpress. Use Hugo instead :)


  • G
    Gaurav Kakkar

    Hey - Thanks for the nice write, its been helpful. I was windows for a long time and using wamp for my wordpress sites and thinking to switch over to docker now. Wanted to know your experience with the docker in comparison to standalone php-apache-mysql setup. Which one do you use? and does each of your wordpress site have a separate docker-compose file? or there is only one docker-compose file you use and have all your sites inside it.

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    • Pawel Grzybek
      Pawel Grzybek

      Docker all the things :)

      For each project I create new Docker compose file.
      Hopefully that helps.
      Have great day 🥑

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  • M
    Mohammad Faizyab

    On the screen where we have to put database details, what hostname should I put for mysql?

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    • Pawel Grzybek
      Pawel Grzybek

      That should come preconfigured when you set it up like I did. The piece of config that decides about it is this:

      WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: db:3306
      WORDPRESS_DB_USER: wordpress
      WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: wordpress

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      • M
        Mohammad Faizyab

        Thanks for reply, I am asking about this screen. What information should I put here... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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  • F
    Francesca Haselden

    What do I do if the ports are already in use? I attempted to kill the ports used but was not able to, so I tried changing them in the config file but still couldn't get this to run.

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  • k

    Hi Pawel! Thanks for nice starting point to create WordPress in seconds but I have question.. I'm using PhpStorm and when it only showing all from `wp-content` directory PhpStorm does not hint the core functions because there are not in project. Do you know how to configure it to use the function hints?

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    • Pawel Grzybek
      Pawel Grzybek


      I see what is going on. I am affraid that in this case you have to expose a project root level in your volume ["./:/var/www/html"] to make PhpStorm correctly infer WP core methods. I am not a PhpStorm user and potentially there is a much better way. Sorry for being not too helpful.

      Have a great day 🥑

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  • J
    João Colucas

    Hi Pawel! Nice tutorial, thanks! Question though - how would you mount php.ini ? I'm using Ubuntu on WSL.

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  • D
    Dusan Stojanovic

    Great tutorial. However, I also need .htaccess file on my wp folder because some plugins and also WP itself is changing it. How to do that?

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  • A
    Adam Nielsen

    Hi Pawel, thanks a lot for this tutorial. I followed your steps, but I cant edit the files of the volume. They all have user `www-data` while my user is adam. File permission is 644, so I can't even edit them, if I add `www-data` group to `adam`. Any advice how to fix it? Also asked this here:

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  • S

    I recommend to try Codelobster IDE for Wordpress development -

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