In my work with agile teams and as a trainer I often hear  statements about user stories that cause problems in practice. Time to  get rid of the most common myths.

Myth #1: In Scrum, you document requirements with user stories.

The Scrum Guide leaves it open how backlog items are documented. I  like user stories because they shift the perspective from the system to  the user. But they are not mandatory. And they should be used more for  conversation than f or documentation.

Myth #2: If you write user stories, you have to use a certain template.

You probably think of: As a user I want function so that fulfilled need.
The user story concept had nothing to do with this template at the  beginning. Later the template became popular. It's possible to document  user stories informally. Don't get hung up on the template.

Myth #3: User Stories are estimated with Story Points.

As a Scrum Master, I watched teams go crazy with discussions about story points, estimates and velocity.
There is a simple alternative. The team agrees on small stories. So 1 or  2 days to implement them. Then after the sprint, the team counts the  stories it has finished. There's the velocity.

Learn more about how to deal with user stories effectively by visiting my online course. If you want to keep up with what I'm doing, follow me on, LinkedIn or twitter. Or visit my GitHub project.