Posted On: Jun 20, 2019

Customers can now use AWS Storage Gateway to provide hybrid cloud storage through their Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) using VPC endpoints. With this feature, the network connection between an on-premises Storage Gateway appliance and AWS can be restricted to private network routes, further securing storage workloads and administration activities. VPC endpoints for Storage Gateway are provided by AWS PrivateLink, a highly available, scalable technology that enables customers to privately connect their VPC to supported AWS services. 

AWS Storage Gateway is a hybrid cloud storage service that gives customers on-premises access to virtually unlimited cloud storage via virtual tape libraries, iSCSI volumes, and SMB and NFS file shares. Support for VPC endpoints enables customers to deploy Storage Gateway virtual machines and hardware appliances within private networks without opening up connections to the internet, increasing the security of Storage Gateway’s connection to Amazon S3 and other AWS services.  

Customers can get started using Storage Gateway with PrivateLink today by deploying a new gateway using any gateway virtual machine (VM) image released after June 20, 2019. Using the AWS Console or CLI, users will be able to specify whether the gateway should connect to AWS over the internet or from within their VPC. VPC endpoints are configured during gateway creation, and once configured, all traffic to AWS from the VPC will flow over a private connection.  

This feature can be used in all regions where AWS Storage Gateway is available. To learn more, visit the AWS Storage Gateway website, or get started in the AWS Console