Philipp Hauer's Blog

Engineering Management, Java Ecosystem, Kotlin, Sociology of Software Development

Talk 'Kotlin in Practice' at the JavaLand 2018

Posted on Mar 15, 2018. Updated on Apr 29, 2018

On March 13, 2018, I held a talk about “Kotlin in Practice” at the JavaLand Conference. The conference was awesome and 1900 people attended. I guess about 300 folks came to my talk although it was so early in the morning. That was awesome! Thank you so much! Special thanks go out to the guys that approached me after the talk and the kind tweets. I’m still euphoric. :-)

Talk 'Kotlin in Practice' at the JavaLand 2018


My talk covered some language highlights of Kotlin and their usage in my practice. Additionally, I talked about the introduction and usage of Kotlin in Spreadshirt and some pitfalls and drawbacks of Kotlin.




Photo by Clemens Sietas (@Siecle)

Photo by Clemens Sietas (@Siecle)

My Audience

My Audience

The JavaLand conference toke place in the amusement park Phantasialand!

The JavaLand conference toke place in the amusement park Phantasialand!
