Downloading Anything Using Colab to Google Drive | Colab Tricks

When we download/upload something from a cloud server, it gives more transfer rate as compared to a normal server. We can use Google Drive for storage as well as fast speed download. The problem is how to upload something to G-Drive direct from the Internet. So, Here we will see a solution to upload anything to Google Drive directly from the Internet.
Downloading from Colab to Google Drive | Colab Tricks
All we need is google account and a few lines of code.
Google Colab is a free cloud service with GPU support. It is like Jupyter Notebook and very simple to use. In this tutorial, we will be using Google Colab to download anything to our google drive.
Step # 1: Sign in to Google Colab and Create a new Python3 notebook.
Downloading from Colab to Google Drive | Colab Tricks
Downloading from Colab to Google Drive | Colab Tricks

Step # 2: Importing google drive to colab

To import google drive, write this code in the code section of colab and run it by Ctrl+Enter.
from google.colab import drive
Downloading from Colab to Google Drive | Colab Tricks
Downloading from Colab to Google Drive | Colab Tricks
On running code, one blue link and a text box will appear we need to provide a permission text. So click the link and a new tab will open where you will be asked for permission to access google drive. After providing permissions a text will be displayed that we need to Copy and paste on the colabs text box.
Downloading from Colab to Google Drive | Colab Tricks
Paste text in box and press enter. That all to import gdrive. We can see Google drive on the Left Side Panel.
Downloading from Colab to Google Drive | Colab Tricks

Step # 3: Download something to Google Drive
To download something all we need is URL to the downloadable file.
import requests 
r = requests.get(file_url, stream = True
with open("/content/gdrive/My Drive/python.pdf", "wb") as file
    for block in r.iter_content(chunk_size = 1024):
         if block: 
Run this code to download the files in gdrive (Change the file_url with your file’s url).
Downloading from Colab to Google Drive | Colab Tricks
We can see on the left side panel that pdf file is downloaded.
Conclusion : 
We can use google colab to download any file on google drive. As you can see a folder parrot (parrot OS of 3.7 GB ), downloaded to gdrive using Colab.

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